Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.
—­on Huxley’s treatment of Suarez’ metaphysics:  intellect of Huxley. —­conveys him a gift from his friends. —­on new biological teaching. —­on report of seance. —­automatism.  —­Letters to:  —­on the “Origin”.  —­Edinburgh lectures. —­the Cambridge British Association. —­on “Man’s Place”:  —­Atavism. —­that his theory accounts for retrogression as well as progression. —­pressure of work. —­absorption in one kind of work, due to one’s reputation and one’s children.  —­“Criticisms of the ‘Origin’”.  —­Copley Medal. —­difficulty of writing a book. —­birth of a son:  work in the “Reader”. —­sends booklet.  —­Darwinism in Germany.  —­Pangenesis. —­laziness:  Hooker ill. —­memorial about Gallegos fossils. —­new edition of “Origin”:  Jamaica affair. —­on Positivist critics. —­visit from Darwin. —­no time to read. —­loses sight of naturalists “by grace of the dredge.”  —­South American fossils.  —­Exeter British Association. —­societies:  the Celt question. —­on Oxford D.C.L. —­on “Descent of Man and Sexual Selection”. —­inconvenience of having four addresses. —­on a friend’s illness. —­note for the “Descent of Man”:  Dohrn’s Station:  projected visit to America.  —­W.G.  Ward’s saying about Mill. —­report on spiritualistic seance. —­attack in “Quarterly”. —­on vivisection. —­instructions for Polar expedition. —­on theological protest. —­his degree at Cambridge.  —­“Coming of Age” of the “Origin”. —­cuts out a sharp retort. —­on Wallace’s pension. —­optimism and pessimism.

Darwin, Mrs., visit to.

Darwin, Miss E., on Huxley’s books.

Darwin, Francis. —­letter to, on the British Association Meeting of 1860. —­visit to.

Darwin, Professor George, at seance.

Darwin tree, the.

Daubeny, Dr., at Oxford, 1860.

Davies, Rev. Llewelyn, at Huxley’s funeral.

Dayman, Lieutenant, formerly of the “Rattlesnake”.
—­on Atlantic mud.

De la Beche, Sir Henry.

De Maillet.

De Quatrefages.

Deceased Wife’s Sister Bill.

Derby, Lord.

Descartes’ Discourse, Commentary on.

Design, argument from.

Devonian fishes.

“Devonshire Man” controversy.

Dewar, Professor, liquid oxygen.

Dingle, Mr., at Oxford, 1860.

Diphtheria, outbreak of.

Docker, the scientific, letter to. —­tries to help. —­letter to:  atoms and the evolution of matter.

Dog, on the. —­projected work on. —­problems connected with. —­further work on.

Dohrn, Dr. Anton.
—­visit of.
—­visit from, in 1868.
—­absent from Naples on Huxley’s visit. 
—­Letters to: 
—­matrimony:  Tennyson:  his kindness to children.
—­scientific investigators and museum work:  family news:  criticism of
—­Calcutta Museum: 
—­Kolliker and the organon adamantinae:  family news.
—­a bad letter-writer:  Goethe’s Aphorisms:  Dohrn’s work and English.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.