Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Clark, J.W., Master of the Salters Company, letter from—­education.

Clarke, Hyde. —­letters to:  —­Ashantee War and ethnology:  Huxley no longer attending to anthropology. —­aim of Genesis controversy.

Clarke, F. Le Gros, evolution and the Church.

Clayton, N.P.
—­letter to:  moral duty and the moral sense:  influence of Franklin and
Fox compared.

Clergy and physical science.


Clerk-Maxwell, to help in Men of Science Series.

Clifford, W.K. —­his friends rally to, in his illness. —­opinion of.

Clifford, Mrs. —­letters to:  —­a difficulty. —­the P.C.:  a spiritual peerage. —­human nature.

Clodd, Edward, note on secular education. —­letters to:  —­his book “Jesus of Nazareth”:  Bible reading. —­reply to condolence on his daughter’s death.  —­Positivism:  will devote his remaining powers to theological questions.  —­Baur’s merit:  proposes work on the three great myths. —­legal aspect of the “Darkest England” scheme:  controversy and waste of time. —­new edition of “Bates”:  alleged ignoring of distinguished men by Royal Society.  —­“Man’s Place” after thirty years. —­answering letters:  Kidd on Social Evolution:  Lord Salisbury at Oxford.

Cobden, Richard.
—­and International College.

“Cock Lane and Common Sense”.

Cole, Sir Henry, the humour of public affairs.

Colenso, Bishop, Bishop Wilberforce on.


Coleridge, Lord, and vivisection.

“Collected Essays”, review of, by Professor Ray Lankester.

Collier, Hon. John. —­letters to:  —­the “Apologetic Irenicon”:  art in London University. —­a pertinacious portrait painter. —­effect of influenza on personal appearance:  the Romanes Lecture an egg-dance.

Collier, Hon. Mrs. John. —­letters to:  —­a country visit. —­secretarial work:  incidents of travel.  —­Naples:  violent changes of weather. —­secretarial work:  —­Catherine of Siena. —­end of Italian trip. —­prize at the Slade School:  return from Maloja. —­the Canaries. —­objects of the seashore. —­the P.C. —­the cat. —­nonsense letter. —­an Oxford training.

Collier, W.F. —­letters to:  —­proposed visit to. —­a touching mark of confidence. —­law of Deceased Wife’s Sister:  Shakespeare and the sexes of plants. —­the P.C.  “What is honour?”:  a new Beatitude. —­visit to.

Collings, E.T.
—­letter to:  alcohol as a brain stimulant.

Collings, Right Hon. Jesse, his mother and the P.C.

Commission, Medical Acts.
—­report of.

Commission, Scottish Universities.

Commissions, Royal. 
—­on Science and Art instruction.
—­on Science.
—­on Trawling. 
—­Fishery, of 1883.

Common, T., letter to: 
—­Nietzsche:  German work and style:  morality and evolution.

Comparative anatomy, letter on.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.