Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Burns, John, and poem on Tennyson.

Burton, Edward, letter to:  advice against building disregarded.

Busk, G., stays with. —­on Snowdon with. —­joint translation of Kolliker. —­x Club.

Butler’s “Analogy”.


Cairns, Professor.

Calcutta, museum appointment.

Calvinism in science.

—­British Association at. 
—­Darwin’s LL.D. 
—­Huxley’s LL.D. 
—­Rede Lecture
—­visit to. 
—­Harvey Tercentenary.

Campbell, Professor Lewis. —­letters to:  —­value of Mariner’s testimony about the Tongans.  —­Oxford, British Association at, 1894, stronghold of the priesthood in opposing scientific method.

Campbell, Mrs. L. —­letter to:  —­hybrid gentian on a nameless island in Sils Lake.

Canaries, trip to.

Canino, Prince of, at British Association, Ipswich.

Cardwell, Lord, vivisection question.

Carlyle, influence of. —­installed Lord Rector at Edinburgh when Huxley received LL.D. —­hatred of Darwinism. —­death of.

Carlyle, Mrs., saying about Owen.

Carnarvon, Lord, Vivisection Bill.

Carpenter, Rev. Estlin. —­letter to:  —­acknowledges his book, “The First Three Gospels”:  historical basis of Christianity:  comparison of Nazarenism with Quakerism.

Carpenter, W.B., approves of his views. —­support for F.R.S. —­dealings with, about the Registrarship of London University. —­at his marriage.  —­Examiner at London University. —­at Lamlash Bay. —­and Bathybius.

Carus, Victor, corresponds with.
—­takes Wyville Thomson’s lectures in 1874.

Cassowary, rhyme.

Cats, love for.

Cavendish, Lord F., assassination of.

Cell theory, review of.

Celt question.

“Challenger” expedition, and Bathybius.
—­some results of.

Chamberlain, Right Hon. Joseph, asked to Royal Society dinner.

Chambers, Robert, at Oxford, 1860.

Chamisso, quoted.

Chandler, Dr., apprenticed to.

Chapman, the publisher.

Cherubim, and terrestrial creation.

Chess player, nature compared to a hidden.

Chichester, Bishop of, on Huxley’s search after the Ur-gentian.

Christian dogmas.

Christianity. —­“development” of. —­demonology of. —­historical basis of. —­comparison with Quakerism.

Chrystal, Professor, to help in Men of Science Series.

Church Army, answer to appeal for subscription to.

Church, Established, and our simian origin.

Churchill, the publisher.

City and Guilds Institute.

City Companies and education.

Clark, Sir Andrew, M.D., at Haslar. —­successful treatment by. —­meets on return from Italy. —­advises retirement. —­on Clifford’s illness. —­election as F.R.S.

Clark, Sir J., help from.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.