Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

“On a Fossil Bird and a Fossil Cetacean from New Zealand” “Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society” 15 (1859) 670-677. (Read March 23, 1859.) “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On the Dermal Armour of Crocodilus Hastingsiae” “Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society” 15 (1859) 678-680. (Read March 23, 1859.) “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“British Fossils” part 1 “On the Anatomy and Affinities of the Genus Pterygotus” “Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom” Monograph 1 (1859) 1-36.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“British Fossils” part 2.  “Description of the Species of Pterygotus” by J.W.  Salter, F.G.S., A.L.S., “Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom” Monograph 1 (1859) 37-105.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On Dasyceps Bucklandi (Labyrinthodon Bucklandi, Lloyd)” “Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom” (1859) 52-56.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On a Fragment of a Lower Jaw of a Large Labyrinthodont from Cubbington” “Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom” (1859) 56-57.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“Observations on the Development of Some Parts of the Skeleton of Fishes” “Quarterly Journal Micr.  S.” 7 (1859) 33-46.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On the Dermal Armour of Jacare and Caiman, with Notes on the Specific and Generic Characters of Recent Crocodilia” “Journal of the Linnean Society” 4 (1860) (Zoology) 1-28. (Read February 15, 1859.) “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On the Anatomy and Development of Pyrosoma” “Transactions of the Linnean Society” 23. (1862) 193-250. (Read December 1, 1859.) “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On the Oceanic Hydrozoa” “Ray Society” (1859).

“On Species and Races, and Their Origin” (1860) “Proceedings of the Royal Institution” 3 (1858-62) 195-200; “Annals and Magazine of Natural History” 5 (1860) 344-346.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On the Structure of the Mouth and Pharynx of the Scorpion” “Quarterly Journal Micr.  S.” 8 (1860) 250-254.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On the Nature of the Earliest Stages of the Development of Animals” “Proceedings of the Royal Institution” 3 (1858-62) 315-317. (February 8, 1861.) “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On a New Species of Macrauchenia (M.  Boliviensis)” “Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society” 17 (1861) 73-84.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“On Pteraspis Dunensis (Archaeoteuthis Dunensis, Romer)” “Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society” 17 (1861) 163-166.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“Preliminary Essay upon the Systematic Arrangement of the Fishes of the Devonian Epoch” “Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom” “Figures and Descriptions of British Organic Remains” (1861 Decade x) 41-46.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

“Glyptolaemus Kinnairdi” “Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom” “Figures and Descriptions of British and Organic Remains” (1861 Decade x) 41-56.  “Scientific Memoirs” 2.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.