Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

“Paleontology and the Doctrine of Evolution.” (The Presidential Address to the Geological Society, 1870.) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 8.

“On Medical Education.” (An Address to the Students of the Faculty of Medicine in University College, London, 1870.) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 3.

“On Coral and Coral Reefs.” ("Good Words” 1870.) “Critiques and Addresses”.

“The School Boards:  What they can do, and what they may do.” (The “Contemporary Review” December 1870.) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 3.

“Administrative Nihilism.” (An Address delivered to the Members of the Midland Institute, on October 9, 1871, and subsequently published in the “Fortnightly Review".) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 1.

“Mr. Darwin’s Critics.” (The “Contemporary Review” November 1871.) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 2.

“On the Formation of Coal.” (A Lecture delivered before the Members of the Bradford Philosophical Institution, December 29, 1871, and subsequently published in the “Contemporary Review".) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 8.

“Yeast.” (The “Contemporary Review” December 1871.) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 8.

“Bishop Berkeley on the Metaphysics of Sensation.” ("Macmillan’s Magazine” June 1871.) “Critiques and Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 6.

“The Problems of the Deep Sea” (1873).  “Collected Essays” 8.

“Universities:  Actual and Ideal.” (The Inaugural Address of the Lord
Rector of the University of Aberdeen, February 27, 1874.  “Contemporary
Review” 1874.) “Science and Culture”; “Collected Essays” 3.

“Joseph Priestley.” (An Address delivered on the Occasion of the
Presentation of a Statue of Priestley to the Town of Birmingham on
August 1, 1874.) “Science and Culture”; “Collected Essays” 3.

“On the Hypothesis that Animals are Automata, and its History.” (An Address delivered at the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at Belfast, 1874.) “Science and Culture”; “Collected Essays” 1.

“On some of the Results of the Expedition of H.M.S.  ‘Challenger’” 1875.  “Collected Essays” 8.

“On the Border Territory between the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms.”  (An Evening Lecture at the Royal Institution, Friday, January 28, 1876.  “Macmillan’s Magazine” 1876.) “Science and Culture”; “Collected Essays” 8.

“Three Lectures on Evolution.” (New York, September 18, 20, 22, 1876.) “American Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 4.

“Address on University Education.” (Delivered at the opening of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, September 12, 1876.) “American Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 3.

“On the Study of Biology.” (A Lecture in connection with the Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington Museum, December 16, 1876.) “American Addresses”; “Collected Essays” 3.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.