A Tramp Abroad — Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 144 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad — Volume 07.

A Tramp Abroad — Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 144 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad — Volume 07.

Overcome by the scene, we all raised a triumphant, tremendous shout, in unison.  A startled man at my elbow said: 

“Confound you, what do you yell like that for, right here in the street?”

That brought me down to Chamonix, like a flirt.  I gave that man some spiritual advice and disposed of him, and then paid the telescope man his full fee, and said that we were charmed with the trip and would remain down, and not reascend and require him to fetch us down by telescope.  This pleased him very much, for of course we could have stepped back to the summit and put him to the trouble of bringing us home if we wanted to.

I judged we could get diplomas, now, anyhow; so we went after them, but the Chief Guide put us off, with one pretext or another, during all the time we stayed in Chamonix, and we ended by never getting them at all.  So much for his prejudice against people’s nationality.  However, we worried him enough to make him remember us and our ascent for some time.  He even said, once, that he wished there was a lunatic asylum in Chamonix.  This shows that he really had fears that we were going to drive him mad.  It was what we intended to do, but lack of time defeated it.

I cannot venture to advise the reader one way or the other, as to ascending Mont Blanc.  I say only this:  if he is at all timid, the enjoyments of the trip will hardly make up for the hardships and sufferings he will have to endure.  But, if he has good nerve, youth, health, and a bold, firm will, and could leave his family comfortably provided for in case the worst happened, he would find the ascent a wonderful experience, and the view from the top a vision to dream about, and tell about, and recall with exultation all the days of his life.

While I do not advise such a person to attempt the ascent, I do not advise him against it.  But if he elects to attempt it, let him be warily careful of two things:  chose a calm, clear day; and do not pay the telescope man in advance.  There are dark stories of his getting advance payers on the summit and then leaving them there to rot.

A frightful tragedy was once witnessed through the Chamonix telescopes.  Think of questions and answers like these, on an inquest: 

Coroner.  You saw deceased lose his life?

Witness.  I did.

C. Where was he, at the time?

W. Close to the summit of Mont Blanc.

C. Where were you?

W. In the main street of Chamonix.

C. What was the distance between you?

W. A little over five miles, as the bird flies.

Project Gutenberg
A Tramp Abroad — Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.