A Tramp Abroad — Volume 05 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 79 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad — Volume 05.

A Tramp Abroad — Volume 05 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 79 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad — Volume 05.

What a change has come over Switzerland, and in fact all Europe, during this century!  Seventy or eighty years ago Napoleon was the only man in Europe who could really be called a traveler; he was the only man who had devoted his attention to it and taken a powerful interest in it; he was the only man who had traveled extensively; but now everybody goes everywhere; and Switzerland, and many other regions which were unvisited and unknown remotenesses a hundred years ago, are in our days a buzzing hive of restless strangers every summer.  But I digress.

In the morning, when we looked out of our windows, we saw a wonderful sight.  Across the valley, and apparently quite neighborly and close at hand, the giant form of the Jungfrau rose cold and white into the clear sky, beyond a gateway in the nearer highlands.  It reminded me, somehow, of one of those colossal billows which swells suddenly up beside one’s ship, at sea, sometimes, with its crest and shoulders snowy white, and the rest of its noble proportions streaked downward with creamy foam.

I took out my sketch-book and made a little picture of the Jungfrau, merely to get the shape. [Figure 9]

I do not regard this as one of my finished works, in fact I do not rank it among my Works at all; it is only a study; it is hardly more than what one might call a sketch.  Other artists have done me the grace to admire it; but I am severe in my judgments of my own pictures, and this one does not move me.

It was hard to believe that that lofty wooded rampart on the left which so overtops the Jungfrau was not actually the higher of the two, but it was not, of course.  It is only two or three thousand feet high, and of course has no snow upon it in summer, whereas the Jungfrau is not much shorter of fourteen thousand feet high and therefore that lowest verge of snow on her side, which seems nearly down to the valley level, is really about seven thousand feet higher up in the air than the summit of that wooded rampart.  It is the distance that makes the deception.  The wooded height is but four or five miles removed from us, but the Jungfrau is four or five times that distance away.

Walking down the street of shops, in the fore-noon, I was attracted by a large picture, carved, frame and all, from a single block of chocolate-colored wood.  There are people who know everything.  Some of these had told us that continental shopkeepers always raise their prices on English and Americans.  Many people had told us it was expensive to buy things through a courier, whereas I had supposed it was just the reverse.  When I saw this picture, I conjectured that it was worth more than the friend I proposed to buy it for would like to pay, but still it was worth while to inquire; so I told the courier to step in and ask the price, as if he wanted it for himself; I told him not to speak in English, and above all not to reveal the fact that he was a courier.  Then I moved on a few yards, and waited.

Project Gutenberg
A Tramp Abroad — Volume 05 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.