A Tramp Abroad — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 46 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad — Volume 01.

A Tramp Abroad — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 46 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad — Volume 01.
a bluejay a subject that calls for his reserve-powers, and where is your cat?  Don’t talk to me—­I know too much about this thing; in the one little particular of scolding—­just good, clean, out-and-out scolding —­a bluejay can lay over anything, human or divine.  Yes, sir, a jay is everything that a man is.  A jay can cry, a jay can laugh, a jay can feel shame, a jay can reason and plan and discuss, a jay likes gossip and scandal, a jay has got a sense of humor, a jay knows when he is an ass just as well as you do—­maybe better.  If a jay ain’t human, he better take in his sign, that’s all.  Now I’m going to tell you a perfectly true fact about some bluejays.”

Chapter III
Baker’s Bluejay Yarn
[What Stumped the Blue Jays]

“When I first begun to understand jay language correctly, there was a little incident happened here.  Seven years ago, the last man in this region but me moved away.  There stands his house—­been empty ever since; a log house, with a plank roof—­just one big room, and no more; no ceiling—­nothing between the rafters and the floor.  Well, one Sunday morning I was sitting out here in front of my cabin, with my cat, taking the sun, and looking at the blue hills, and listening to the leaves rustling so lonely in the trees, and thinking of the home away yonder in the states, that I hadn’t heard from in thirteen years, when a bluejay lit on that house, with an acorn in his mouth, and says, ‘Hello, I reckon I’ve struck something.’  When he spoke, the acorn dropped out of his mouth and rolled down the roof, of course, but he didn’t care; his mind was all on the thing he had struck.  It was a knot-hole in the roof.  He cocked his head to one side, shut one eye and put the other one to the hole, like a possum looking down a jug; then he glanced up with his bright eyes, gave a wink or two with his wings—­which signifies gratification, you understand—­and says, ’It looks like a hole, it’s located like a hole—­blamed if I don’t believe it is a hole!’

“Then he cocked his head down and took another look; he glances up perfectly joyful, this time; winks his wings and his tail both, and says, ’Oh, no, this ain’t no fat thing, I reckon!  If I ain’t in luck! —­Why it’s a perfectly elegant hole!’ So he flew down and got that acorn, and fetched it up and dropped it in, and was just tilting his head back, with the heavenliest smile on his face, when all of a sudden he was paralyzed into a listening attitude and that smile faded gradually out of his countenance like breath off’n a razor, and the queerest look of surprise took its place.  Then he says, ’Why, I didn’t hear it fall!’ He cocked his eye at the hole again, and took a long look; raised up and shook his head; stepped around to the other side of the hole and took another look from that side; shook his head again.  He studied a while, then he just went into the Details —­walked round and round the hole and spied into it from every point of the compass.  No use.  Now he took a thinking attitude on the comb of the roof and scratched the back of his head with his right foot a minute, and finally says, ’Well, it’s too many for me, that’s certain; must be a mighty long hole; however, I ain’t got no time to fool around here, I got to “tend to business”; I reckon it’s all right—­chance it, anyway.’

Project Gutenberg
A Tramp Abroad — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.