The Rover Boys at School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about The Rover Boys at School.

The Rover Boys at School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about The Rover Boys at School.

“Tut, tut, child, you do not know what you are talking about!  Your mother has given me her word, and you ought to bow to the inevitable.”

“She has not yet married you, Sir, and until she is actually bound to you there will still be hope for her.”

“This is —­ is outrageous!” cried Josiah Crabtree wrathfully.  “Do you think I will allow a mere slip of a girl to stand between me and my plans?  Just wait until I am your father —­”

“You shall never take the place of my dear dead father, Mr. Crabtree — never!” and now Dora’s eyes filled with tears.  He was ten thousand times better than you can ever be!”

“I must admit I can’t see it.  He had not half the education I possess,” answered Josiah Crabtree conceitedly.

“Perhaps not, but he had an honest, warm heart, and that counts for more than a mere book education.  I fancy many men are smarter, even in book learning, than Mr. Josiah Crabtree; who tried last week for an opening at Columbia College and failed to meet the requirements.”

“Ha I who told you that?”

“Mother told me.”

“She is foolish to take you into her, confidence.  It was not my fault that I failed of the opening —­ merely the pig-headedness of those having the matter in charge.  However, I do not care much.  As soon as your mother and I are married, I shall make some changes here, put up a fine brick building, and open a rival school to Putnam Hall.”

“Gracious, here is news!” thought Dick.  “Wonder what Captain Putnam will say to that?”

“Will you?” ejaculated Dora.  “And who will give you permission to make alterations here?”

“Mrs. Crabtree —­ that is soon to be.”

“Do you know that she holds this property in a trust for me, Mr. Crabtree?  It will be hers only if I die before I become of age.  Her own shares of papa’s estate is situated further up the lake, at Berryport.”

At this announcement Josiah Crabtree started back.  “You —­ you are not telling the truth,” he faltered.

“I am.”

“But your mother is the executrix of your father’s will.”


“Exactly.  Consequently she has full control of all the property until you are twenty-one.”

“She has —­ but certain changes suggested by you or her would be subject to the approval of the court or the surrogate, so I have been told,” answered Dora quietly.

Josiah Crabtree glared at the girl, and then began to pace the floor impatiently.  “Dora, see here,” he said finally.  “Let us come to terms.”

“What terms?”

“Your mother and I are bound to get married.  Remove your opposition to this, and I will promise not to interfere with you in the least.  You can do as you please and go where you please, and you shall have all the spending money from time to time that the estate can afford.”

At this the girl’s lip curled proudly.  “I do not thank you for your offer, Mr. Crabtree.  “The whole difficulty is just here —­ I do not like you; and my mother shall never marry you so long as I can prevent it.”

Project Gutenberg
The Rover Boys at School from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.