Try and Trust eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about Try and Trust.

Try and Trust eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about Try and Trust.

But our young hero was doomed to disappointment.  Just at that moment—­ the unluckiest that could have been selected—­he was seized with a strong inclination to sneeze.

Alarmed lest the sound should betray him, he made desperate efforts to suppress it but Nature would have its way, and probably did so with greater violence than if no resistance had been made.

“Ker-chew!” sneezed Herbert, violently.

As he anticipated, Abner’s attention was attracted by the loud noise, which he rightly concluded could hardly proceed from a bird or squirrel.  He had just been on the point of leaving the cabin for some other part of the woods, but at this sound he stood still.  Looking up to discover whence it proceeded, his keen eyes detected Herbert in his lofty perch.  His eyes sparkled with joy.

“Ha, you young rascal!” he exclaimed.  “So you are there, are you?  You were going to run away, were you?”

Now that Herbert was actually discovered, his fear left him, and he became perfectly self-possessed and confident.

“Yes, Mr. Holden,” he answered, quietly; “such is my intention.”

“Boldly spoken,” said Abner, provoked by our hero’s coolness, for he had hoped to find him terrified and pleading for forgiveness.  “I admire your frankness, and will try to equal it.  I suppose you’ll give it up as a bad job now.”

“No, sir,” said Herbert, firmly.

“Take care, sir,” said Abner, in anger and astonishment.  “Take care how you defy me.  Come down here at once.”

“What for?” inquired Herbert, without stirring.

“What for?” repeated Abner Holden.  “That I may flog you within an inch of your life.”

“That’s no inducement,” said our hero, coolly.

“Do you refuse to obey me?” shouted Abner, stamping angrily.

“I refuse to be flogged.  You don’t get me down for any such purpose, Mr. Holden.”

“Then, by Heaven, if you won’t come otherwise, I’ll come up and help you down.”

The angry man at once commenced the ascent.  Anger gave him strength, and, though he was unaccustomed to climbing, he continued to mount up about halfway to the first branching off, somewhat to Herbert’s uneasiness, for he felt there was a chance that he might fall into Abner’s clutches.

But Abner’s success was only temporary.  At the height of a dozen feet he began to slip, and, despite his frantic struggles, he slid gradually to the ground, tearing his coat, which he had not taken the precaution to remove, and blistering his hands.

What was to be done?

In his anger and excitement, he drew a pistol from his breast pocket, and pointed upward, saying menacingly, “Come down at once, you young rascal, or I will fire!”

Herbert was startled.  He did not believe the pistol to be loaded.  Still it might be.

“Will you come down?” repeated Abner, fiercely.  “Quick, or I fire.”

Project Gutenberg
Try and Trust from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.