Chapter XX. Culture and art...
What is the value of culture and art?
What is most important in cultural education?
What dangers are there in culture and art for life?
Should art be censored in the interests of morality?
Chapter xxi. The mechanism
of self-control...
What are our potentialities of greater self-control?
A practicable mechanism of self-control.
Various accessories and safeguards.
Chapter XXII. The attainability
of happiness...
The threefold key to happiness:
I. Hearty allegiance to duty.
II. Hearty acquiescence in our lot.
III. Hearty appreciation of the wonder and beauty
in life.
Can we maintain a steady under glow of happiness?
Chapter XXIII. Patriotism and world-peace... What is the meaning and value of patriotism? How should patriotism be directed and qualified? What have been the benefits of war? What are the evils of war? What can we do to hasten world-peace?
Chapter XXIV. Political purity
and efficiency...
What are the forces making for corruption in politics?
What are the evil results of political corruption?
What is the political duty of the citizen?
What legislative checks to corruption are possible?
Chapter xxv. Social alleviation...
What is the duty of the State in regard to:
I. Sickness and preventable death?
II. Poverty and inadequate living conditions?
III. Commercialized vice?
IV. Crime?
Chapter xxvi. Industrial wrongs...
In our present organization of industry, what are
the duties of
I. To the public?
II. To investors?
III. To competitors?
IV. To employees?
What general remedies for industrial wrongs are feasible?
Chapter XXVII. Industrial reconstruction...
Ought the trusts to be broken up, or regulated?
What are the ethics of the following schemes:
I. Trade-unions and strikes?
II. Profit-sharing, cooperation, consumers’
III. Government regulation of prices, profits,
and wages?
IV. Socialism?
Chapter xxviii. Liberty and
What are the essential aspects of the ideal of liberty?
The ideal of individualism. The ideal of legal
Should existing laws always be obeyed?
Chapter xxix. Equality and
What flagrant forms of inequality exist in our society?
What methods of equalizing opportunity are possible?
What are the ethics of:
I. The single tax?
II. Free trade and protection?
III. The control of immigration?
IV. The woman’s movement?