Chapter X. The solution of personal
What are the inadequacies of instinct and impulse
that necessitate
What factors are to be considered in estimating the
of personal moral ideals?
Epicureanism vs. Puritanism.
What are the evils in undue self-indulgence?
What are the evils in undue self-repression?
Chapter xi. The solution
of social problems...
Why should we be altruistic?
What is the exact meaning of selfishness and unselfishness?
Are altruistic impulses always right?
What mental and moral obstacles hinder altruistic
How can we reconcile egoism and altruism?
Chapter XII. Objections and misunderstandings...
Do men always act for pleasure or to avoid pain?
Are pleasures and pains incommensurable?
Are some pleasures worthier than others?
Is morality merely subjective and relative?
Chapter XIII. ALTEBNATIVE theories...
Is morality “categorical,” beyond need
of justification?
Should we live “according to nature,”
and adjust ourselves
to the evolutionary process?
Is self-development, or self-realization, the ultimate
Is the source of duty the will of God?
Chapter XIV. The worth of
Morality as the organization of human interests.
Do moral acts always bring happiness somewhere?
Is there anything better than morality?
Chapter xv. Health and efficiency...
What is the moral importance of health?
Can we attain to greater health and efficiency?
Is continued idleness ever justifiable?
Are competitive athletics desirable? Is it wrong
to smoke?
Chapter XVI. The alcohol problem...
What are the causes of the use of alcoholic drinks?
What are the evils that result from alcoholic liquors?
What should be the attitude of the individual toward
alcoholic liquors? What should be our attitude
toward the use of
alcoholic liquors by others?
Chapter XVII. Chastity and marriage... What are the reasons for chastity before and fidelity after marriage? What safeguards against unchastity are necessary? What are the factors in an ideal marriage? 1Is divorce morally justifiable?
Chapter XVIII. Fellowship, loyalty,
and luxury...
what social relationships impose claims upon us?
What general duties do we owe our fellows?
Are the rich justified in living in luxury?
Is it wrong to gamble, bet, or speculate?
Chapter XIX. Truthfulness and
its problems...
What are the reasons for the obligation of truthfulness?
What exceptions are allowable to the duty of truthfulness?
In what directions are our standards of truthfulness
The ethics of journalism.