Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Experiment 7.—­Small cubes of albumen were put on two leaves, and minute drops of hydrochloric acid, of the strength of one part to 437 of water, were added two or three times.  This did not in the least delay, but seemed rather to hasten, the process of digestion; for every trace of the albumen disappeared in 24 hrs. 30 m.  After three days the leaves partially re-expanded, and by this time almost all the viscid fluid on their discs was absorbed.  It is almost superfluous to state that [page 95] cubes of albumen of the same size as those above used, left for seven days in a little hydrochloric acid of the above strength, retained all their angles as perfect as ever.

Experiment 8.—­Cubes of albumen (of 1/20 of an inch, or 2.54 mm.) were placed on five leaves, and minute drops of a solution of one part of carbonate of soda to 437 of water were added at intervals to three of them, and drops of carbonate of potash of the same strength to the other two.  The drops were given on the head of a rather large pin, and I ascertained that each was equal to about 1/10 of a minim (.0059 ml.), so that each contained only 1/4800 of a grain (.0135 mg.) of the alkali.  This was not sufficient, for after 46 hrs. all five cubes were dissolved.

Experiment 9.—­The last experiment was repeated on four leaves, with this difference, that drops of the same solution of carbonate of soda were added rather oftener, as often as the secretion became acid, so that it was much more effectually neutralised.  And now after 24 hrs. the angles of three of the cubes were not in the least rounded, those of the fourth being so in a very slight degree.  Drops of extremely weak hydrochloric acid (viz. one part to 847 of water) were then added, just enough to neutralise the alkali which was still present; and now digestion immediately recommenced, so that after 23 hrs. 30 m. three of the cubes were completely dissolved, whilst the fourth was converted into a minute sphere, surrounded by transparent fluid; and this sphere next day disappeared.

Experiment 10.—­Stronger solutions of carbonate of soda and of potash were next used, viz. one part to 109 of water; and as the same-sized drops were given as before, each drop contained 1/1200 of a grain (.0539 mg.) of either salt.  Two cubes of albumen (each about 1/40 of an inch, or .635 mm.) were placed on the same leaf, and two on another.  Each leaf received, as soon as the secretion became slightly acid (and this occurred four times within 24 hrs.), drops either of the soda or potash, and the acid was thus effectually neutralised.  The experiment now succeeded perfectly, for after 22 hrs. the angles of the cubes were as sharp as they were at first, and we know from experiment 5 that such small cubes would have been completely rounded within this time by the secretion in its natural state.  Some of the fluid was now removed with blotting-paper from the discs of the leaves, and minute drops of hydrochloric acid of the strength of the one part to 200 of water was added.  Acid of this greater strength was used as the solutions of the alkalies were stronger.  The [page 96] process of digestion now commenced, so that within 48 hrs. from the time when the acid was given the four cubes were not only completely dissolved, but much of the liquefied albumen was absorbed.

Project Gutenberg
Insectivorous Plants from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.