Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.


Lead chloride, action on Drosera, 184

Leaves of Drosera, backs of, not sensitive, 231 [page 459]


Legumin, its digestion by Drosera, 116

Lemna, aggregation in leaves of, 64

Lime, carbonate of, precipitated, causing inflection of Drosera, 32 —­, phosphate of, its action on Drosera, 109

Lithium, salts of, action on Drosera, 181


Magnesium, salts of, action on Drosera, 182

Manganese chloride, action on Drosera, 185

Marshall, Mr. W., on Pinguicula, 369

Means of movement in Dionaea, 313 —­ in Drosera, 254

Meat, infusion of, causing aggregation in Drosera, 51 —­, —­, action on
Drosera, 79 —­, its digestion by Drosera, 98

Mercury perchloride, action on Drosera, 183

Milk, inducing aggregation in Drosera, 51 —­, action on Drosera, 79 —­, its digestion by Drosera, 113

Mirabilis longiflora, glandular hairs of, 352

Moggridge, Traherne, on acids injuring seeds, 128

Moore, Dr., on Pinguicula, 390

Morphia acetate, action on Drosera, 205

Motor impulse in Drosera, 234, 258 —­ in Dionaea, 313

Movement, origin of power of, 363

Movements of leaves of Pinguicula, 371 —­ of tentacles of Drosera, means of, 254 —­ of Dionaea, means of, 313

Mucin, not digested by Drosera, 122

Mucus, action on Drosera, 80

Mller, Fritz, on rhizocephalous crustaceans, 357


Nepenthes, its power of digestion, 97

Nickel chloride, action on Drosera, 186

Nicotiana tabacum, glandular hairs of, 352

Nicotine, action on Drosera, 203

Nitric ether, action on Drosera, 220

Nitschke, Dr., references to his papers on Drosera, 1 —­, on sensitiveness of backs of leaves of Drosera, 231 —­, on direction of inflected tentacles in Drosera, 244 —­, on Aldrovanda, 322

Nourishment, various means of, by plants, 452

Nuttall, Dr., on re-expansion of Dionaea, 318


Odour of pepsin, emitted from leaves of Drosera, 88

Oil, olive, action of, on Drosera, 78, 126

Oliver, Prof., on Utricularia, 432, 441-446


Papaw, juice of, hastening putrefaction, 411

Particles, minute size of, causing inflection in Drosera, 27, 32

Peas, decoction of, action on Drosera, 82

Pelargonium zonale, glandular hairs of, 350

Pepsin, odour of, emitted from Drosera leaves, 88 —­, not digested by Drosera, 123 —­, its secretion by animals excited only after absorption, 129

Peptogenes, 129

Pinguicula grandiflora, 390 —­ lusitanica, 391 [page 460]


Pinguicula vulgaris, structure of leaves and roots, 368 —­, number of insects caught by, 369 —­, power of movement, 371 —­, secretion and absorption by, 381 —­, digestion by, 381 —­, effects of secretion on living seeds, 390

Project Gutenberg
Insectivorous Plants from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.