Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Fayrer, Dr., on the nature of cobra poison, 206 —­, on the action of cobra poison on animal protoplasm, 208 —­, on cobra poison paralysing nerve centres, 224

Ferment, nature of, in secretion of Drosera, 94, 97

Fibrin, its digestion by Drosera, 100

Fibro-cartilage, its digestion by Drosera, 104

Fibro-elastic tissue, not digested by Drosera, 122

Fibrous basis of bone, its digestion by Drosera, 108 [page 458]


Fluids, nitrogenous, effects of, on Drosera, 76

Fournier, on acids causing movements in stamens of Berberis, 196

Frankland, Prof., on nature of acid in secretion of Drosera, 88


Galvanism, current of, causing inflection of Drosera, 37 —­, effects of, on Dionaea, 318

Gardner, Mr., on Utricularia nelumbifolia, 442

Gelatin, impure, action on Drosera, 80 —­, pure, its digestion by
Drosera, 110

Genlisea africana, 451 —­ filiformis, 451

Genlisea ornata, structure of, 446 —­, manner of capturing prey, 450

Glandular hairs, absorption by, 344 —­, summary on, 353

Globulin, its digestion by Drosera, 120

Gluten, its digestion by Drosera, 117

Glycerine, inducing aggregation in Drosera, 52 —­, action on Drosera, 212

Gold chloride, action on Drosera, 184

Gorup-Besanez on the presence of a solvent in seeds of the vetch, 362

Grass, decoction of, action on Drosera, 84

Gray, Asa, on the Droseraceae, 2

Groenland, on Drosera, 1, 5

Gum, action of, on Drosera, 77

Gun-cotton, not digested by Drosera, 125


Haematin, its digestion by Drosera, 121

Hairs, glandular, absorption by, 344 —­, —­, summary on, 353

Heat, inducing aggregation in Drosera, 53 —­, effect of, on Drosera, 66 —­, —­, on Dionaea, 294, 319

Heckel, on state of stamens of Berberis after excitement, 43

Hofmeister, on pressure arresting movements of protoplasm, 61

Holland, Mr., on Utricularia, 395

Hooker, Dr., on carnivorous plants, 2 —­, on power of digestion by
Nepenthes, 97 —­, history of observations on Dionaea, 286

Hydrocyanic acid, effects of, on Dionaea, 305

Hyoscyamus, action on Drosera, 84, 206


Iron chloride, action on Drosera, 185

Isinglass, solution of, action on Drosera, 80


Johnson, Dr., on movement of flower-stems of Pinguicula, 381


Klein, Dr., on microscopic character of half digested bone, 106 —­, on state of half digested fibro-cartilage, 104 —­, on size of micrococci, 173

Knight, Mr., on feeding Dionaea, 301

Kossmann, Dr., on rhizocephalous crustaceans, 357

Project Gutenberg
Insectivorous Plants from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.