Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

The immersion of leaves in a solution of sugar affects them for a much longer time than does an immersion in water, or a touch on the filaments; for in these latter cases the lobes begin to re-expand in less than a day.  On the other hand, of the three leaves which were immersed for a short time in the solution, and were then washed by means of a syringe inserted [page 294] between the lobes, one re-expanded after two days; a second after seven days; and the third after nine days.  The leaf which closed, owing to a drop of the solution having adhered to one of the filaments, opened after two days.

I was surprised to find on two occasions that the heat from the rays of the sun, concentrated by a lens on the bases of several filaments, so that they were scorched and discoloured, did not cause any movement; though the leaves were active, as they closed, though rather slowly, when a filament on the opposite side was touched.  On a third trial, a fresh leaf closed after a time, though very slowly; the rate not being increased by one of the filaments, which had not been injured, being touched.  After a day these three leaves opened, and were fairly sensitive when the uninjured filaments were touched.  The sudden immersion of a leaf into boiling water does not cause it to close.  Judging from the analogy of Drosera, the heat in these several cases was too great and too suddenly applied.  The surface of the blade is very slightly sensitive; It may be freely and roughly handled, without any movement being caused.  A leaf was scratched rather hard with a needle, but did not close; but when the triangular space between the three filaments on another leaf was similarly scratched, the lobes closed.  They always closed when the blade or midrib was deeply pricked or cut.  Inorganic bodies, even of large size, such as bits of stone, glass, &c.—­or organic bodies not containing soluble nitrogenous matter, such as bits of wood, cork, moss,—­or bodies containing soluble nitrogenous matter, if perfectly dry, such as bits of meat, albumen, gelatine, &c., may be long left (and many were tried) on the lobes, and no movement is excited.  The result, however, is widely different, as we [page 295] shall presently see, if nitrogenous organic bodies which are at all damp, are left on the lobes; for these then close by a slow and gradual movement, very different from that caused by touching one of the sensitive filaments.  The footstalk is not in the least sensitive; a pin may be driven through it, or it may be cut off, and no movement follows.

The upper surface of the lobes, as already stated, is thickly covered with small purplish, almost sessile glands.  These have the power both of secretion and absorption; but unlike those of Drosera, they do not secrete until excited by the absorption of nitrogenous matter.  No other excitement, as far as I have seen, produces this effect.  Objects, such as bits of wood, cork, moss, paper, stone, or glass, may

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Insectivorous Plants from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.