Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 175 pages of information about Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets.

Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 175 pages of information about Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets.

How to make a horse, that is afraid of his head or ears, easy to bridle or halter, is as follows:  if your horse is very fractious and wild, you will need to treat him according to receipt No. 305, first:  at all events you will want the floor well covered with straw, then raise the left fore leg and strap it so that your horse will stand on three legs, then tie a strap just above his right fore foot, and standing on the left side of the horse, holding the strap in your hand, chirp to him, and the moment he attempts to move forwards, he is on his knees; you may then fasten the strap to that on the left leg, or hold it in your hand, as you please; then after the horse gets done struggling and working, rub his nose and ears gently, and put the halter on and take it off repeatedly, to show him that it may be done without hurting him, and in a short time he will not mind the halter or bridle.

307.  How to control A vicious horse

How to acquire the most perfect control over the most vicious and wildest horse, in a short time, without the use of drugs or charms, is by going according to receipts No. 305 and No. 306, and sometimes you may have to use the persuader.

308.  To break A wild colt

How to break the wildest colt in a short time, so that a boy of 14 years old can ride or handle him in perfect safety.  This is done by means of the persuader receipts No. 305 and No. 306, and if the boy is to ride him, after the horse is on his knees, as directed in receipt No. 306, and the horse is tired out by struggling, then let somebody get on his back, sit there for a while, then move on to his shoulders, and back unto his hips, and so work round the horse until he does not mind it, and has no fear from it.  When he has a few lessons like this, any lad may ride him in safety.

309.  To make A stallion lie down

How to make the worst stallion lie down and allow you to perform any surgical operation on him that you wish, without the assistance of any one.  If the horse is very ugly, you may need to follow, first, receipt No. 305, and perhaps, use the persuader, but it is principally done by receipt No. 306, with this addition:  when you have the horse on his knees, you standing on his left side, and holding the strap which is attached to his right fore foot in your hand, as taught in receipt No. 306, then put a headstall on him, and to its ring on the left side of his mouth, tie firmly a stick about an inch and a half thick, which, let run up on the left side of his neck, to the top of his shoulders, then tie the strap, which is attached to the right foot, to this pole; now pull the horse over on his left side, and you have him powerless, his fore feet are drawn up, and on account of the pole he cannot raise his head, so that you have perfect control over him to do as you please.

310.  Pulling at the halter

Project Gutenberg
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.