rigitangaini v. tr., to do powerfully.
rii, riirii, to cry out; olosia riilana, cried out. S. rii, cicada.
ro 1. v. tr., ro suli, to obey, listen to.
ro 2. numeral, two, used only in composition; forms part of pers. pronoun goro, etc.; ro si doo, two things; e ro mwane, two men. S. ro.
ro 3. numeral, two, used with nouns of relationship; ro mamana; ro mwai sasina.
ro 4. ending of pers. pronoun daro; gamoro. ro 2.
rodo night; fe rodo, a night; rodo fi dao, till nightfall. S. rodo.
rogi yesterday; used with locative i, i rogi.
rongo; fafurongo, v. i., to listen to, to be a disciple; n. a disciple. S. qaarongo.
rorodoa adj., dark, used also as n., darkness. rodo.
roroi v. tr., to strengthen. S. roro’i.
rua numeral, two; e rua. S. rua.
ruana ordinal, second, second
time; gera ruana gera, their
ruarua, tan ruarua, to be midway.
ruru (gu) 1. n. bosom, breast.
ruru; 2. ruru kore, an avalanche. S. ruru kore.
ruta n. dialect.
ruu v. i., to enter.
ruula v. n., entry.
sae 1. v. tr., to say, speak, tell, read; sae isingana, to finish speaking.
saetana, it is said. S. sae.
sae 2. adv. that, in reported speech.
saea adv. in order that, that so; saea o lea mai fuana, is it that you have come for this? denotes the subjunctive,
safali v. tr., to be equipped with.
saga v. i., to proceed; saga tafa to proceed out of.
sagali, sasagali, v. tr., to attack.
sai 1. n., place, duty, piece; sai i nonigu, my duty; sai oe, your duty; with ai 1. sai ai na, that one I mean; tani saiai, those which, in explanations.
sai; 2. sai gano, on the ground. S. hai. 2.
saitama (gu) v. tr., to know; gu langi si saitamana, I do not know; saitama dooa, knowledge.
sako v. tr., to catch. Mota sakau.
salo n. cloud, storm; salo uruuru, white fleecy cloud.
saloa adj., stormy. S. salo.
salofi v. tr., to prepare, clear a path, sweep.
samai v. tr., to fit on, to pair with. S. sama.
samola n. pride, overbearing,