Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

mamanaa n., power.  S. nanama.

mana used of numerals over ten; aqala mana fai.  U. mana.

manata 1. v. i., to think; manata suli to know; manata luga, to for- give; manata too (gu) to remember.

   manatai v. tr. to pity.

   manataila v. n., 1. pity, mercy; 2. thought.  S. manata.

manata 2. v. i., to be quiet, tame.  S. manata.

mani; qaimani, to help; qaimani fainau, help me; fatake qaimani, to be a peacemaker.

   qaimania, v. n., a company.  S. mani.

manu bird.  S. manu.

manga time, occasion, place; i kade manga, at the time; i kade manga na, now; si manga uta, when?

mangata (na) n., midst, middle; used with loc. i.  S. matanga.

mangisingisi adj., broken in pieces. ngi.

mango (gu) n. life, breath; mango fu, to be sad; mango suu, to faint.

   mangoli v. tr., to breathe upon.  S. mango.

mao 1. v. i., to dance. 2. n., a dance.

   maoli v. tr., to dance; maoli mao.  S. mao.

mara- (gu) n. of own accord, alone.  S. maraa.

maraqai; alu maraqai, to become red and glowering, of sky.

marigo (gu) n. flesh, body.

matafa- (na) n., too matafana, to know.  S. mataqa.

matai, mamatai v. i., to have ague; matai afedali, fever.

   mataia v. n., disease, a sick person; si mataia.

matala adj., lone, alone, merely; tefe mwela matala, only son.

matanga (na) n., midst, used with locative; i mangata.

me for mai hither; lea fasi me, come here,

mea 1. (gu) n. tongue; 2. v. i., mea too, to taste of.

   meali v. tr., to lick.

   meafa (na) v. n., tongue; meafana ere, tongues of fire.  S.

meme in pieces; too meme to break in pieces.

mi 1. personal pron. pl. 1. excl. we; used by itself as subj. or follows gami.

mi 2. transitive suffix to verb; ano, anomi.

midi v. i., to taste; midi odonga ana, to taste of.

mode v. tr. to mend, patch.

   modela v. n., a patch.

moi adj., broken.  S. ’o’i.

moko, momoko 1. v. i., to be corrupt, to smell; 2. n., corruption.

   mokola v. n., corruption;

   mokofa- (na) v. n., the smell of.

Project Gutenberg
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.