ato 1. v. i., to be in motion; ato buri, with poss., to turn the back on; ato folo, to cross over; lua e ato fafigera, the flood came upon them; ato ae, to move quickly, to hurry. S. ato 1.
ato 2. v. i., to be difficult.
au n., the bamboo, flute; musical instrument. S. au 3.
auau; ngidu auau, to hate.
ba adv., gives force, explains, makes the diction less abrupt; ai ba, who then? a doo ba, why so-and-so; go may be added, a doo bago, the man there.
babala n., a tempest; babalai tolo, a hurricane.
babali (gu) n., cheek. Cf. bali. S. papali.
babara (gu) n., side (of persons only), loins. S. parapara.
babaranga n., a draught, shoal, of fish; babarangai ia, a shoal of fish.
babataini v. tr., to throw down, break by throwing down, overthrow. S. papa.
bae, babae v. tr., to speak, to say; bae fua, to rebuke.
baea, v. n., word; si baea, a word; a si baea, The Word.
baela (gu) v. n.,
word, the act of speaking; si baela
nana, that word.
baita big, loud, to grow big; manata baita ana, to love a person; mala baita, Big Malaita. It is worth notice that the last three letters of baita, viz, ita, are those which the Spaniards, the original discoverers of Malaita, added to the name mala, by which Malaita is known to the natives of those parts. The part of the island which the Spaniards saw and named is called by its inhabitants mala baita, and it is conceivable that the ba of baita may have been lost in transcription. S. paine, Alite baita. The root is probably bai, and ta a verbal suffix.
balafe v. tr., to thank, to praise. S. paalahe.
balafela v. n., praise, thanksgiving.
balala, bala v. i., used with fafi; balala fafi, to despise.
bali n., part, side, of position; ita bali logo, from over there; i bali jordan i bali logo, from the other side of the Jordan; te bali babali, one cheek; te bali maa, one eye; Cf. babali. S. papali, cheek.
bara n., a fence, gate, wall, courtyard; gule bara, family (tribe). S. para.
baraa n., a feast.
baru n., a large sea-going canoe, ship (late use).
bata n., shell money. S. haa.
bebe n., moth, butterfly. S. pepe.
bele v. i., by mischance, by mistake, in error, of no avail.