The Fat and the Thin eBook

Émile Gaboriau
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 490 pages of information about The Fat and the Thin.

The Fat and the Thin eBook

Émile Gaboriau
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 490 pages of information about The Fat and the Thin.

“Monsieur Gavard,” began the young man, “has sent me to ask—­”

But all at once he stopped and glanced round; then in a lower voice he resumed:  “He told me to wait till there was no one with you, and then to repeat these words, which he made me learn by heart:  ’Ask them if there is no danger, and if I can come and talk to them of the matter they know about.’”

“Tell Monsieur Gavard that we are expecting him,” replied Lisa, who was quite accustomed to the poultry dealer’s mysterious ways.

Marjolin, however, did not go away; but remained in ecstasy before the handsome mistress of the shop, contemplating her with an expression of fawning humility.

Touched, as it were, by this mute adoration, Lisa spoke to him again.

“Are you comfortable with Monsieur Gavard?” she asked.  “He’s not an unkind man, and you ought to try to please him.”

“Yes, Madame Lisa.”

“But you don’t behave as you should, you know.  Only yesterday I saw you clambering about the roofs of the market again; and, besides, you are constantly with a lot of disreputable lads and lasses.  You ought to remember that you are a man now, and begin to think of the future.”

“Yes, Madame Lisa.”

However, Lisa had to get up to wait upon a lady who came in and wanted a pound of pork chops.  She left the counter and went to the block at the far end of the shop.  Here, with a long, slender knife, she cut three chops in a loin of pork; and then, raising a small cleaver with her strong hand, dealt three sharp blows which separated the chops from the loin.  At each blow she dealt, her black merino dress rose slightly behind her, and the ribs of her stays showed beneath her tightly stretched bodice.  She slowly took up the chops and weighed them with an air of gravity, her eyes gleaming and her lips tightly closed.

When the lady had gone, and Lisa perceived Marjolin still full of delight at having seen her deal those three clean, forcible blows with the cleaver, she at once called out to him, “What! haven’t you gone yet?”

He thereupon turned to go, but she detained him for a moment longer.

“Now, don’t let me see you again with that hussy Cadine,” she said.  “Oh, it’s no use to deny it!  I saw you together this morning in the tripe market, watching men breaking the sheep’s heads.  I can’t understand what attraction a good-looking young fellow like you can find in such a slipshod slattern as Cadine.  Now then, go and tell Monsieur Gavard that he had better come at once, while there’s no one about.”

Marjolin thereupon went off in confusion, without saying a word.

Project Gutenberg
The Fat and the Thin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.