Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal.

Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal.
you the use of these things.  The dry pan and gradual fire are for those who oppose the holy father’s will, and for heretics.  They are put naked and alive into the pan, and the cover of it being locked up, the executioner begins to put in the oven a small fire, and by degrees he augmenteth it, till the body is burned to ashes.  The second is designed for those who speak against the Pope and the holy fathers.  They are put within the wheel, and the door being locked, the executioner turns the wheel till the person is dead.  The third is for those who contemn the images, and refuse to give the due respect and veneration to ecclesiastical persons; for they are thrown alive into the pit, and there they become the food of serpents and toads.’  Then Mary said to me that another day she would show me the torments for public sinners and transgressors of the commandments of holy mother church; but I, in deep amazement, desired her to show me no more places; for the very thought of those three which I had seen, was enough to terrify me to the heart.  So we went to my room, and she charged me again to be very obedient to all commands, for if I was not, I was sure to undergo the torment of the dry pan.”

Llorente, the Spanish historian and secretary-general of the Inquisition, relates the following incident:  “A physician, Juan de Salas, was accused of having used a profane expression, twelve months before, in the heat of debate.  He denied the accusation, and produced several witnesses to prove his innocence.  But Moriz, the inquisitor at Valladolid, where the charge was laid, caused de Salas to be brought into his presence in the torture-chamber, stripped to his shirt, and laid on a ladder or donkey, an instrument resembling a wooden trough, just large enough to receive the body, with no bottom, but having a bar or bars to placed that the body bent, by its own weight, into an exquisitely painful position.  His head was lower than his heels, and the breathing, in consequence, became exceedingly difficult.  The poor man, so laid, was bound around the arms and legs with hempen cords, each of them encircling the limb eleven times.

“During this part of the operation they admonished him to confess the blasphemy; but he only answered that he had never spoken a sentence of such a kind, and then, resigning himself to suffer, repeated the Athanasian creed, and prayed to God and our Lady many times.  Being still bound, they raised his head, covered his face with a piece of fine linen, and, forcing open the mouth, caused water to drip into it from an earthen jar, slightly perforated at the bottom, producing in addition to his sufferings from distension, a horrid sensation of choking.  But again, when they removed the jar for a moment, he declared that he had never uttered such a sentence; and this he often repeated.  They then pulled the cords on his right leg, cutting into the flesh, replaced the linen on his face, dropped the water

Project Gutenberg
Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.