Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal.

Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal.

“’Every where is recounted the prodigies which she works.  When the afflicted are in despair, the infirm without remedy, they resort to the waters of La Salette, and cures are wrought by this remedy, whose power makes itself felt against every evil.  Our diocess, so devoted to Mary, has been no stranger to the bounty of this tender Mother.  We are about to celebrate shortly the sixth anniversary of this miraculous apparition.  Now that A sanctuary is to be raised on this holy mountain to the glory of God, we have thought it right to inform you thereof.

“’We cannot doubt that many of you have been heard by our Lady of La Salette; you desire to witness your gratitude to this mother of compassion; you would gladly bring your stone to the beautiful edifice that is to be constructed.  We desire to further your filial tenderness with the means of transmitting the alms of faith and piety.  For these reasons, invoking the holy name of God, we have ordained and do ordain as follows, viz.: 

“’First, we permit the appearance of our Lady of La Salette to be preached throughout our diocess; secondly, on Sunday, the 19th of September next ensuing, the litanies of the Holy Virgin shall be chanted in all the chapels and churches of the diocess, and be followed by the benediction of the Holy Sacrament.  Thirdly, the faithful who may desire to contribute to the erection of the new sanctuary, may Deposit their offerings in the hands of the cure, who will transmit them to us for the bishop of Grenoble.

“’Our present pastoral letter shall be read and published after mass in every parish on the Sunday after its reception.

“’Given at Lucon, in our Episcopal palace, under our sign-manual and the seal of our arms, and the official counter-signature of our secretary, the 30th of June, of the year of Grace, 1852.

“’X Jac-Mar Jos,
“‘Bishop of Lucon.’”

“It is not a little remarkable,” says the editor of the American Christian Union, “that whilst the Bishop of Lucon was engaged in extolling the miracles of La Salette, the Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons, Dr. Bonald, ’Primate of all the Gauls,’ addressed a circular to all the priests in his diocese, in which he cautions them against apocryphal miracles!  There is indubitable evidence that his grace refers to the scandalous delusions of La Salette.  His language is severe, very severe.  He attributes the miracles in question to pecuniary speculation, which now-a-days, he says, mingles with everything, seizes upon imaginary facts, and profits by it at

Project Gutenberg
Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.