Bergson and His Philosophy eBook

John Alexander Gunn
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about Bergson and His Philosophy.

Bergson and His Philosophy eBook

John Alexander Gunn
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about Bergson and His Philosophy.

1914 La force qui s’use et celle qui ne s’use pas
   Article written for the famous organ of the poilus.  Bulletin
     des Armees de la Republique francaise, Nov. 4, 1914.

1914 Hommage au Roi Albert et au Peuple belge
   Contribution to King Albert’s Book, issued by the
     Daily Telegraph.

1915 La signification de la Guerre
   Collection of War speeches and writings in the series
     Pages actuelles, 1914-15.  Published by Bloud et Gay,
     Paris, 1915.  Small volume of 47 pages Contains: 
   1.  Discours prononce a l’Academie des Sciences morales
     et politiques le 12 dec, 1914, pp 7-29.  This was a
     Presidential address La Signification de la Guerre.
   2.  Allocution prononcee a l’Academie le 16 Jan, 1915,
     a l’occasion de l’installation de M. Alexandre Ribot
     au fauteuil de la presidence (in succession to Bergson). 
     Reported only in part, pp 33-35.
   3.  La force qui s’use et celle qui ne s’use pas, pp 39-42. 
     Reprinted from the pages of the Bulletin des Armees
     de la, Republique francaise, Nov. 4, 1914.
   4.  Hommage au Roi Albert et au Peuple Belge, pp 45-46. 
     Reprinted from King Albert’s Book, War publication of
     Daily Telegraph. 
   Items Nos 1 and 3 have been translated into English
     as The Meaning of the War, with preface by Dr. H.
     Wildon Carr.  Published 1915, Fisher Unwin.  No. 1
     appeared in The Hibbert Journal in English, as “Life
     and Matter at War,” April, 1915, pp. 465-475; and in the
     American paper The Living Age on July 31, 1915, pp. 259-264

1915 AUTOUR de la Guerre
   A discourse on the Evolution of German Imperialism,
     delivered before the Academie des Sciences morales et
     politiques.  Published in La Revue, Feb.-March, 1915,
     pp. 369-377.

1915 La philosophie
   Ouvrage publié sous les auspices du ministre de
     l’Instruction publique.  A delightful little work of 27 pages. 
     Reprinted from La Sciencé française, Tome I.
   Published in the series of that name by Larousse, Pans,
     and costing fifty centimes.  It is a review of French
     Philosophy, and contains a bibliography, and portraits
     of the philosophers, Descartes, Malebranche, Pascal,
     and Renouvier.

1916 Lettre A profHoffding
   Published in the original French in the French edition
     of the Danish Professor’s Lectures on Bergson; La
     Philosophie de Bergson expose et critique par H.
     Hoffding, Professeur a l’Université de Copenhague. 
     Traduit d’après l’édition danoise avec un avant-
     propos par Jacques de Coussange et suivi d’une lettre
     de M. Bergson à l’auteur.  Alcan, Paris.  The letter, pp.

Project Gutenberg
Bergson and His Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.