Bergson and His Philosophy eBook

John Alexander Gunn
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about Bergson and His Philosophy.

Bergson and His Philosophy eBook

John Alexander Gunn
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about Bergson and His Philosophy.

   “Raison et Intuition,” étude sur la philosophie de M. Bergson,
     in La Belgique artistique et litteraire, Nov.-Dec., 1905,
     and April, 1906.

   “Bergson et la methode intuitive,” in the Revue des Mois,
     Sept., 1907.

   “De l’intuition dans l’acte de l’esprit,” in the Revue de
     métaphysique et de morale, Jan., 1908.

1911 L’INTUITION philosophique
   Paper read at the Fourth International Congress of Philosophy,
     held at Bologna, April 5 to 11, 1911.  Published in Nov. in
     Revue de métaphysique et de morale (Numero exceptionel),
     pp. 809-827.  To reappear in forthcoming second volume of
     collected papers.

1911 La perception du Changement
   Deux conférences faites a l’Université d’Oxford, les 26 et
     27 Mai, 1911. 
     Published in original French by the Clarendon Press,
     Oxford, in 1911. (Out of print now.) To reappear in
     forthcoming second volume of collected essays and lectures.

1911 Life and consciousness
   The Huxley Lecture delivered at University of Birmingham,
     May 29, 1911.  Published in The Hibbert Journal
     for Oct., 1911, Vol X, pp. 24-44, and also in the volume
     Huxley Memorial Lectures in 1914. 
   In a revised and somewhat developed form this appeared
     in 1919 in the volume of collected essays and lectures
     L’Energie spirituelle, pp. 1-29 (Mind-Energy, 1920).

1911 Verite et realite
   Introduction of sixteen pages written for the French
     Translation of William James’ Pragmatism.  Translated
     by Le Brun.  Published Flammarion, Paris.

1911 Les REALITES que la science N’ATTEINT pas
   Article in Foi et Vie (French Protestant Review).

1911 La nature de L’AME. 
   Four lectures delivered at the University of London, Oct.,
     1911.  Up to the time of writing, these lectures have
     not been published Reports are to be found, however,
     in The Times, Oct 21, 23, 28 and 30, 1911 (For definite
     information regarding these lectures, I am indebted
     to Mr. Reginald Rye, Librarian of the University of
     London, to the University of London Press, and to
     Professor Bergson himself.)

1912 L’AME et le corps
   Conférence faite pour la Societé Foi et Vie.  Published
     in Le Matérialisme actuel, Paris, 1913, Flammarion. 
   During the year 1912, the Paris Review Foi et Vie arranged
     a series of lectures on Materialism.  These were given
     in Paris, alternating with a series on Pascal, likewise
     arranged by Foi et Vie, under the direction of in Paul
     Doumergue, chief editor This was the sixth year in
     which such courses of

Project Gutenberg
Bergson and His Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.