Stray Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 454 pages of information about Stray Pearls.

Stray Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 454 pages of information about Stray Pearls.

’Madame, I am desolated to refuse you, but, you see, I am in attendance, and on duty; I am not the master!’

However, my brother observed that he would not be required for at least two hours, and his movements would be quite free until the party broke up.  And after a little importunity, I actually carried him off, holding up his hands and declaring that he could not withstand Madame de Bellaise, so as to cast over his concession an air of gallantry without which I believe his vanity would never have yielded.

However, I had my hopes; I would not blame him when I had such an advantage over him as having him shut up with me in my coach, for we left Solivet to make his excuses, and as we told him, for a hostage, to come back when I released my prisoner.  I trusted more to the effect of the sight of my sweet little Cecile than to any exhortation in my power; indeed, I thought I had better keep him in good humour by listening amiably to his explanation of the great favour that he was doing me in coming to see Madame, my mother, and how indispensable he was to M. le Prince.

He must have known what I was carrying him to see, but he did not choose to show that he did, and when he gave me his arm and I took him into the pansy salon, there sat my mother with my sister, two or three old friends who had come to congratulate her, and to see M. de Solivet, and Cecile, who had not been able to persuade herself to send her children to bed, though she knew not of my audacious enterprises.

I saw that he did not know her in the least, as he advanced to my mother, as the lady of the house, and in one moment I recollected how my grandfather had fallen in love with my grandmother without knowing she was his life.  Cecile, crimson all over, with her children beside her, sprang forward, her heart telling her who he was.  ’Ah, Monsieur, embrace your son,’ she murmured.  And little Armantine and Maurice, as they had been tutored, made their pretty reverences, and said, ‘Welcome, my papa.’

He really was quite touched.  There was something, too, in the surroundings which was sympathetic.  He embraced them all, and evidently looked at his wife with amazement, sitting down at last beside her with his little boy upon his knee.

We drew to the farther end of the room that they might be unembarrassed.  Annora was indignant that we did not leave them alone, but I thought he wanted a certain check upon him, and that it was good for him to be in the presence of persons who expected him to be delighted to see his wife and children.

I believe that that quarter of an hour was actual pain to Cecile from the very overflowing rush of felicity.  To have her husband seated beside her, with his son upon his knee, had been the dream and prayer of her life for six years, and now that it was gratified the very intensity of her hopes and fears choked her, made her stammer and answer at random, when a woman without her depth of affection might have put out all kinds of arts to win and detain him.

Project Gutenberg
Stray Pearls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.