The Boy Scout Aviators eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about The Boy Scout Aviators.

The Boy Scout Aviators eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about The Boy Scout Aviators.

“No,” said Dick, his lips tightening, “I didn’t!  But I heard about him, all right.”

“How?  What do you mean?”

“I heard that he’d been doing a tot of talking about you.  He said it wasn’t fair to have taken you and given you the honor of doing something when there were English boys who were just as capable of doing it as you.”

“Oh!” said Harry, with a laugh.  “Much I care what he says!”

“Much I care, either!” echoed Dick.  “But, Harry, he has made some of the other chaps feel that way, too.  They all like you, and they don’t like him.  But they do seem to think some of them should have been chosen.”

“’Well, it’s not my fault,” said Harry, cheerfully.  “I certainly wasn’t going to refuse.  And it isn’t as if I’d asked Mr. Wharton to pick me out.”

“No, and I fancy there aren’t many of them who would have done as well as you did today, either!”

“Oh. yes, they would!  That wasn’t anything.  We’d better get to bed now.  I think we ought to report just as early as we can in the morning.  If we get away by seven o’clock, it won’t be a bit too early.”

“All right.  I’ll be ready.  Good-night, Harry!”

“Good-night, Dick!”

Morning saw them up on time, and off to Ealing.  There Colonel Throckmorton gave them their orders.

“I’ve requisitioned motorcycles for you,” he said.  “Make sure of the location of the house, so that you can mark it on an ordnance map for me.  Then use your own judgment, but find the next house.  I have had letters prepared for you that will introduce you to either the mayor or the military commander in any town you reach and you will get quarters for the night, if you need them.  Where do you think your search will lead you, Fleming?”

He eyed Harry sharply as he asked the question.  “Somewhere on the East coast, I think, sir,” replied Harry.

“Well, that remains to be seen.  Report by telegraph, using this code.  It’s a simplified version of the official code, but it contains all you will need to use.  That is all.”

Finding the house, when they started on their motorcycles, did not prove as difficult a task as Harry had feared it might.  They both remembered a number of places they had marked from the cab windows, and it was not long before they were sure they were drawing near.

“I remember that hill,” said Harry.  “By Jove —­ yes, there it is!  On top of that hill, do you see?  We won’t go much nearer.  I don’t want them to see us, by any chance.  All we need is to notice which way they’re signalling.”

They watched the house for some time before there was any sign of life.  And then it was only the flashes that they saw.  Since the previous day some sort of cover had been provided for the man who did the signalling.

“What do you make of it, Dick ?” asked Harry eagerly, after the flashing had continued for some moments.

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Scout Aviators from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.