The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life.

The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life.

There was something decidedly satisfying, especially to Van Emmon, in being taken into the Venusian confidence to this extent.  When he put his question, it was with his former aggressiveness much modified.  He said: 

“I should think that your people have pretty well exhausted the possibilities of the supernatural, by this time.  Progress having come to an end, I don’t see what you find to interest you, Myrin.”

“The fact is,” Billie put in, “we feel somewhat disappointed that your people have shown so little interest in us.”  And she gave a sidelong glance at Estra, who returned the look with a direct, smiling gaze which sent a flood of color into the architect’s face.

“Look out!” sharply, from Van Emmon; and with barely an inch to spare, Estra steered his car past another which he had nearly overlooked.  For another minute or two there was silence; then Myrin said: 

“You wonder what there is to interest us.  And yet, every time you look up at the stars, the answer is before your eyes.

“You see, although we cannot read your thoughts without your permission, yet you on the earth cannot prevent us from ‘overhearing’ anything that may be said.  Under proper conditions, our psychic senses are delicate enough to feel the slightest whisper on the earth.

“That is why Estra and I are able to use your language; we have learned it together with an understanding of your lives and customs, by simply ‘listening in.’  I may add that we are also able to use your eyes; we knew, directly, what you people looked like before you arrived.

“Well, it is our ambition to visit, in spirit, every planet in the universe!

“There are hundreds of millions of stars; every one is a sun; and each has planets.  One in a hundred contains life; some very elementary, others much more advanced than we are.

“So far, we have been able to study nearly two thousand worlds besides those in this solar system.  Do you still think, friend, we have nothing to interest us?”

She raised a hand in a gesture of emphasis; and it was then that Billie, her eyes on Myrin’s fingers, saw another sign of the great advancement these people had made—­direct proof, in fact, of what Myrin had just claimed.

For there must have been a tremendous gain in the intellect to have caused such a drain upon the body as Billie saw.  In no other way could it be explained; the minds of the Venusians had grown at a fearful cost to flesh and blood.

Not only were the fingernails entirely lacking from Myrin’s hand, but the lower joints of her four fingers, from the palm to the knuckles were grown smoothly together.



“Make yourselves at home,” said Estra, as they stepped into his apartment.  The cars just filled his balcony.  “This is my ‘workshop’; see if you can guess my occupation, from what you see.  As for Myrin and myself, we must make certain preparations before the announcement is made.”

Project Gutenberg
The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.