Fanny's First Play eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Fanny's First Play.

Fanny's First Play eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Fanny's First Play.

MRS GILBEY.  But youre not entertaining Master Bobby?

JUGGINS.  Yes, madam.

GILBEY.  Who’s with him?

JUGGINS.  Miss Knox, sir.

GILBEY.  Miss Knox!  Are you sure?  Is there anyone else?

JUGGINS.  Only a French marine officer, sir, and—­er—­Miss Delaney. [He places Gilbey’s tea on the table before him].  The lady that called about Master Bobby, sir.

KNOX.  Do you mean to say theyre having a party all to themselves downstairs, and we having a party up here and knowing nothing about it?

JUGGINS.  Yes, sir.  I have to do a good deal of entertaining in the pantry for Master Bobby, sir.

GILBEY.  Well, this is a nice state of things!

KNOX.  Whats the meaning of it?  What do they do it for?

JUGGINS.  To enjoy themselves, sir, I should think.

MRS GILBEY.  Enjoy themselves!  Did ever anybody hear of such a thing?

GILBEY.  Knox’s daughter shewn into my pantry!

KNOX.  Margaret mixing with a Frenchman and a footman—­ [Suddenly realizing that the footman is offering him cake.] She doesnt know about—­about His Grace, you know.

MRS GILBEY.  Perhaps she does.  Does she, Mr Juggins?

JUGGINS.  The other lady suspects me, madam.  They call me Rudolph, or the Long Lost Heir.

MRS GILBEY.  It’s a much nicer name than Juggins.  I think I’ll call you by it, if you dont mind.

JUGGINS.  Not at all, madam.

Roars of merriment from below.

GILBEY.  Go and tell them to stop laughing.  What right have they to make a noise like that?

JUGGINS.  I asked them not to laugh so loudly, sir.  But the French gentleman always sets them off again.

KNOX.  Do you mean to tell me that my daughter laughs at a Frenchman’s jokes?

GILBEY.  We all know what French jokes are.

JUGGINS.  Believe me:  you do not, sir.  The noise this afternoon has all been because the Frenchman said that the cat had whooping cough.

MRS GILBEY. [laughing heartily] Well, I never!

GILBEY.  Dont be a fool, Maria.  Look here, Knox:  we cant let this go on.  People cant be allowed to behave like this.

KNOX.  Just what I say.

A concertina adds its music to the revelry.

MRS GILBEY. [excited] Thats the squiffer.  Hes bought it for her.

GILBEY.  Well, of all the scandalous—­ [Redoubled laughter from below].

KNOX.  I’ll put a stop to this. [He goes out to the landing and shouts] Margaret! [Sudden dead silence].  Margaret, I say!

MARGARET’S VOICE.  Yes, father.  Shall we all come up?  We’re dying to.

KNOX.  Come up and be ashamed of yourselves, behaving like wild Indians.

DORA’S VOICE [screaming] Oh! oh! oh!  Dont Bobby.  Now—­oh! [In headlong flight she dashes into and right across the room, breathless, and slightly abashed by the company].  I beg your pardon, Mrs Gilbey, for coming in like that; but whenever I go upstairs in front of Bobby, he pretends it’s a cat biting my ankles; and I just must scream.

Project Gutenberg
Fanny's First Play from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.