Fanny's First Play eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Fanny's First Play.

Fanny's First Play eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Fanny's First Play.

BOBBY. [furious, meeting her half way] Who are you calling a young beast?


DORA. [peacemaking] Now, dearies!

BOBBY.  If you dont take care, youll get your fat head jolly well clouted.

MARGARET.  If you dont take care, the policeman’s tooth will only be the beginning of a collection.

DORA.  Now, loveys, be good.

Bobby, lost to all sense of adult dignity, puts out his tongue at Margaret.  Margaret, equally furious, catches his protended countenance a box on the cheek.  He hurls himself her.  They wrestle.

BOBBY.  Cat!  I’ll teach you.

MARGARET.  Pig!  Beast! [She forces him backwards on the table]. 
Now where are you?

DORA. [calling] Juggins, Juggins.  Theyll murder one another.

JUGGINS. [throwing open the door, and announcing] Monsieur

Duvallet enters.  Sudden cessation of hostilities, and dead silence.  The combatants separate by the whole width of the room.  Juggins withdraws.

DUVALLET.  I fear I derange you.

MARGARET.  Not at all.  Bobby:  you really are a beast:  Monsieur
Duvallet will think I’m always fighting.

DUVALLET.  Practising jujitsu or the new Iceland wrestling.  Admirable, Miss Knox.  The athletic young Englishwoman is an example to all Europe. [Indicating Bobby] Your instructor, no doubt.  Monsieur—­ [he bows].

BOBBY. [bowing awkwardly] How d’y’ do?

MARGARET. [to Bobby] I’m so sorry, Bobby:  I asked Monsieur Duvallet to call for me here; and I forgot to tell you. [Introducing] Monsieur Duvallet:  Miss Four hundred and seven.  Mr Bobby Gilbey. [Duvallet bows].  I really dont know how to explain our relationships.  Bobby and I are like brother and sister.

DUVALLET.  Perfectly.  I noticed it.

MARGARET.  Bobby and Miss—­Miss-

DORA.  Delaney, dear. [To Duvallet, bewitchingly] Darling Dora, to real friends.

MARGARET.  Bobby and Dora are—­are—­well, not brother and sister.

DUVALLET. [with redoubled comprehension] Perfectly.

MARGARET.  Bobby has spent the last fortnight in prison.  You dont mind, do you?

DUVALLET.  No, naturally. I have spent the last fortnight in prison.

The conversation drops.  Margaret renews it with an effort.

MARGARET.  Dora has spent the last fortnight in prison.

DUVALLET.  Quite so.  I felicitate Mademoiselle on her enlargement.

DORA. Trop merci, as they say in Boulogne.  No call to be stiff with one another, have we?

Juggins comes in.

JUGGINS.  Beg pardon, sir.  Mr and Mrs Gilbey are coming up the street.

DORA.  Let me absquatulate [making for the door].

JUGGINS.  If you wish to leave without being seen, you had better step into my pantry and leave afterwards.

Project Gutenberg
Fanny's First Play from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.