JUGGINS. [presenting the salver to Mr Gilbey] Lady wishes to see Mr Bobby’s parents, sir.
GILBEY. [pointing to Mrs Gilbey] Theres Mr Bobby’s parent. I disown him.
JUGGINS. Yes, sir. [He presents the salver to Mrs Gilbey].
MRS GILBEY. You mustnt mind what your master says, Juggins: he doesnt mean it. [She takes the card and reads it]. Well, I never!
GILBEY. Whats up now?
MRS GILBEY. [reading] “Miss D. Delaney. Darling Dora.” Just like that—in brackets. What sort of person, Juggins?
GILBEY. Whats her address?
MRS GILBEY. The West Circular Road. Is
that a respectable address,
JUGGINS. A great many most respectable people live in the West Circular Road, madam; but the address is not a guarantee of respectability.
GILBEY. So it’s come to that with him, has it?
MRS GILBEY. Dont jump to conclusions, Rob.
How do you know? [To
Juggins] Is she a lady, Juggins? You know what
I mean.
JUGGINS. In the sense in which you are using the word, no, madam.
MRS GILBEY. I’d better try what I can
get out of her. [To Juggins]
Shew her up. You dont mind, do you, Rob?
GILBEY. So long as you dont flounce out and leave me alone with her. [He rises and plants himself on the hearth-rug].
Juggins goes out.
MRS GILBEY. I wonder what she wants, Rob?
GILBEY. If she wants money, she shant have it. Not a farthing. A nice thing, everybody seeing her on our doorstep! If it wasnt that she may tell us something about the lad, I’d have Juggins put the hussy into the street.
JUGGINS. [returning and announcing] Miss Delaney. [He waits for express orders before placing a chair for this visitor].
Miss Delaney comes in. She is a young lady of hilarious disposition, very tolerable good looks, and killing clothes. She is so affable and confidential that it is very difficult to keep her at a distance by any process short of flinging her out of the house.
DORA. [plunging at once into privileged intimacy and into the middle of the room] How d’ye do, both. I’m a friend of Bobby’s. He told me all about you once, in a moment of confidence. Of course he never let on who he was at the police court.
GILBEY. Police court!
MRS GILBEY. [looking apprehensively at Juggins] Tch—! Juggins: a chair.
DORA. Oh, Ive let it out, have I! [Contemplating Juggins approvingly as he places a chair for her between the table and the sideboard] But hes the right sort: I can see that. [Buttonholing him] You wont let on downstairs, old man, will you?
JUGGINS. The family can rely on my absolute discretion. [He withdraws].
DORA. [sitting down genteelly] I dont know what youll say to me: you know I really have no right to come here; but then what was I to do? You know Holy Joe, Bobby’s tutor, dont you? But of course you do.