Tales of Chinatown eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about Tales of Chinatown.

Tales of Chinatown eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about Tales of Chinatown.

He shrugged his shoulders significantly.

“You mean the old mandarin?” suggested Dr. Matheson.


“Was there really anything in that story, or was it suggested by the unpleasant reputation of Adderley?” Jennings asked.

“I can settle any doubts upon that point,” said I; whereupon I immediately became a focus of general attention.

“What! were you ever at that place of Adderley’s at Katong?” asked Jennings with intense curiosity.

I nodded, lighting a fresh cigarette in a manner that may have been unduly leisurely.

“Did you see her?”

Again I nodded.


“I must have been peculiarly favoured, but certainly I had that pleasure.”

“You speak of seeing her,” said one of the party, now entering the conversation for the first time.  “To whom do you refer?”

“Well,” replied Burton, “it’s really a sort of fairy tale—­unless Knox”—­glacing across in my direction—­“can confirm it.  But there was a story current during the latter part of Adderley’s stay in Singapore to the effect that he had made the acquaintance of the wife, or some member of the household, of an old gentleman out Johore Bahru way—­sort of mandarin or big pot among the Chinks.”

“It was rumoured that he had bolted with her,” added another speaker.

“I think it was more than a rumour.”

“Why do you say so?”

“Well, representations were made to the authorities, I know for an absolute certainty, and I have an idea that Adderley was kicked out of the Service as a consequence of the scandal which resulted.”

“How is it one never heard of this?”

“Money speaks, my dear fellow,” cried Burton, “even when it is possessed by such a peculiar outsider as Adderley.  The thing was hushed up.  It was a very nasty business.  But Knox was telling us that he had actually seen the lady.  Please carry on, Knox, for I must admit that I am intensely curious.”

“I can only say that I saw her on one occasion.”

“With Adderley?”



“At his place at Katong.”

“I even thought his place at that resort was something of a myth,” declared Jennings.  “He never asked me to go there, but, then, I took that as a compliment.  Pardon the apparent innuendo, Knox,” he added, laughing.  “But you say you actually visited the establishment?”

“Yes,” I replied slowly, “I met him here in this very hotel one evening in the winter of ‘15, after the natives’ attempt to mutiny.  He had been drinking rather heavily, a fact which he was quite unable to disguise.  He was never by any means a real friend of mine; in fact, I doubt that he had a true friend in the world.  Anyhow, I could see that he was lonely, and as I chanced to be at a loose end I accepted an invitation to go over to what he termed his ‘little place at Katong.’

Project Gutenberg
Tales of Chinatown from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.