The Conservation of Races eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 25 pages of information about The Conservation of Races.

The Conservation of Races eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 25 pages of information about The Conservation of Races.

If we carefully consider what race prejudice really is, we find it, historically, to be nothing but the friction between different groups of people; it is the difference in aim, in feeling, in ideals of two different races; if, now, this difference exists touching territory, laws, language, or even religion, it is manifest that these people cannot live in the same territory without fatal collision; but if, on the other hand, there is substantial agreement in laws, language and religion; if there is a satisfactory adjustment of economic life, then there is no reason why, in the same country and on the same street, two or three great national ideals might not thrive and develop, that men of different races might not strive together for their race ideals as well, perhaps even better, than in isolation.  Here, it seems to me, is the reading of the riddle that puzzles so many of us.  We are Americans, not only by birth and by citizenship, but by our political ideals, our language, our religion.  Farther than that, our Americanism does not go.  At that point, we are Negroes, members of a vast historic race that from the very dawn of creation has slept, but half awakening in the dark forests of its African fatherland.  We are the first fruits of this new nation, the harbinger of that black to-morrow which is yet destined to soften the whiteness of the Teutonic to-day.  We are that people whose subtle sense of song has given America its only American music, its only American fairy tales, its only touch of pathos and humor amid its mad money-getting plutocracy.  As such, it is our duty to conserve our physical powers, our intellectual endowments, our spiritual ideals; as a race we must strive by race organization, by race solidarity, by race unity to the realization of that broader humanity which freely recognizes differences in men, but sternly deprecates inequality in their opportunities of development.

For the accomplishment of these ends we need race organizations:  Negro colleges, Negro newspapers, Negro business organizations, a Negro school of literature and art, and an intellectual clearing house, for all these products of the Negro mind, which we may call a Negro Academy.  Not only is all this necessary for positive advance, it is absolutely imperative for negative defense.  Let us not deceive ourselves at our situation in this country.  Weighted with a heritage of moral iniquity from our past history, hard pressed in the economic world by foreign immigrants and native prejudice, hated here, despised there and pitied everywhere; our one haven of refuge is ourselves, and but one means of advance, our own belief in our great destiny, our own implicit trust in our ability and worth.  There is no power under God’s high heaven that can stop the advance of eight thousand thousand honest, earnest, inspired and united people.  But–and here is the rub–they must be honest, fearlessly criticising their own faults, zealously correcting

Project Gutenberg
The Conservation of Races from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.