Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete.

Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete.

A little while after this they saw two birds flying over the lake, linked together by a chain of red gold.  They sang a gentle song, and a sleep fell upon all the men who were there; and Cuchulain rose up to pursue the birds.  “If thou wilt hearken to me,” said Laeg, and so also said Ethne, “thou shalt not go against them; behind those birds is some especial power.  Other birds may be taken by thee at some future day.”  “Is it possible that such claim as this should be made upon me?” said Cuchulain.  “Place a stone in my sling, O Laeg!” Laeg thereon took a stone, and he placed it in the sling, and Cuchulain launched the stone at the birds, but the cast missed.  “Alas!” said he.  He took another stone, and he launched this also at the birds, but the stone flew past them.  “Wretched that I am,” he cried, “since the very first day that I assumed arms, I have never missed a cast until this day!” And he cast his spear at them, and the spear went through the shield of the wing of one of the birds, and the birds flew away, and went beneath the lake.

After this Cuchulain departed, and he rested his back against a stone pillar, and his soul was angry within him, and a sleep fell upon him.  Then saw he two women come to him; the one of them had a green mantle upon her, and upon the other was a purple mantle folded in five folds.  And the woman in the green mantle approached him, and she laughed a laugh at him, and she gave him a stroke with a horsewhip.  And then the other approached him, and she also laughed at him, and she struck him in the like manner; and for a long time were they thus, each of them in turn coming to him and striking him until he was all but dead; and then they departed from him.

Now the men of Ulster perceived the state in which Cuchulain was in; and they cried out that he should be awakened; but “Nay,” said Fergus, “ye shall not move him, for he seeth a vision;” and a little after that Cuchulain came from his sleep.  “What hath happened to thee?” said the men of Ulster; but he had no power to bid greeting to them.  “Let me be carried,” he said, “to the sick-bed that is in Tete Brecc; neither to Dun Imrith, nor yet to Dun Delga.”  “Wilt thou not be carried to Dun Delga to seek for Emer?” said Laeg.  “Nay,” said he, “my word is for Tete Brecc;” and thereon they bore him from that place, and he was in Tete Brecc until the end of one year, and during all that time he had speech with no one.

Now upon a certain day before the next Summer-End, at the end of a year, when the men of Ulster were in the house where Cuchulain was, Fergus being at the side-wall, and Conall Cernach at his head, and Lugaid Red-Stripes at his pillow, and Ethne Inguba at his feet; when they were there in this manner, a man came to them, and he seated himself near the entrance of the chamber in which Cuchulain lay.  “What hath brought thee here?” said Conall the Victorious.  “No hard question to answer,” said the man.  “If the man who lies yonder

Project Gutenberg
Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.