Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete.

Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete.

[FN#98] The end of the speech is from L.L.:  the L.U. text gives the whole speech thus:  “For my honour’s sake, I could not draw back in this matter.”

Fergus threw his shield over Dubhtach.  The former (Ailill) thrust his spear at the shield of Fergus so that he even drove the shaft right through it.  Fergus mac Oen-laimi comes by.  Fergus mac Oen-laimi holds a shield in front of him (the other Fergus).  Ailill struck his spear upon this so that it was forced right through it.  He leaped so that he lay there on the top of his companions.  Flidais comes by from the castle, and throws her cloak over the three.

Fergus’ people took to flight; Ailill pursues them.  There remain (slain) by him twenty men of them.  Seven of them escape to Cruachan Ai, and tell there the whole story to Ailill and Medb.

Then Ailill and Medb arise, and the nobles of Connaught and the exiles from Ulster:  they march into the district of Kerry Ai with their troops as far as:  the Ford of Fenna.

Meanwhile the wounded men were being cared for by Flidais in the castle, and their healing was undertaken by her.

Then the troops come to the castle.  Ailill Finn is summoned to Ailill mac Mata to come to a conference with him outside the castle.  “I will not go,” he said; “the pride and arrogance of that man there is great.”

It was,[FN#99] however, for a peaceful meeting that Ailill mac Mata had come to Ailill the Fair-haired, both that he might save Fergus, as it was right he should, and that he might afterwards make peace with him (Ailill Fair haired), according to the will of the lords of Connaught.

[FN#99] This passage is sometimes considered to be an interpolation by a scribe or narrator whose sympathies were with Connaught.  The passage does not occur in the Book of Leinster, nor in the Egerton Ms.

Then the wounded men were brought out of the castle, on hand-barrows, that they might be cared for by their own people.

Then the men attack him (Ailill Finn):  while they are storming the castle, and they could get no hold on him, a full week long went it thus with them.  Seven times twenty heroes from among the nobles of Connaught fell during the time that they (endeavoured) to storm the castle of Ailill the Fair-haired.

“It was with no good omen that with which you went to this castle,” said Bricriu.  “True indeed is the word that is spoken,” said Ailill mac Mata.  “The expedition is bad for the honour of the Ulstermen, in that their three heroes fall, and they take not vengeance for them.  Each one (of the three) was a pillar of war, yet not a single man has fallen at the hands of one of the three!  Truly these heroes are great to be under such wisps of straw as axe the men of this castle!  Most worthy is it of scorn that one man has wounded you three!”

“O woe is me,” said Bricriu, “long is the length upon the ground of my Papa Fergus, since one man in single combat laid him low!”

Project Gutenberg
Heroic Romances of Ireland — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.