This discourse had the effect which the ass designed. The ox was greatly alarmed, and bellowed for fear. The merchant, who heard the conversation very attentively, fell into a loud fit of laughter. His wife was greatly surprised, and asked, “Pray, husband, tell me what you laugh at so heartily, that I may laugh with you.” “Wife,” replied he, “you must content yourself with hearing me laugh.” “No,” returned she, “I will know the reason.” “I cannot afford you that satisfaction,” he, “and can only inform you that I laugh at what our ass just now said to the ox. The rest is a secret, which I am not allowed to reveal.” “What,” demanded she “hinders you from revealing the secret?” “If I tell it you,” replied he, “I shall forfeit my life.” “You only jeer me,” cried his wife, “what you would have me believe cannot be true. If you do not directly satisfy me as to what you laugh at, and tell me what the ox and the ass said to one another, I swear by heaven that you and I shall never bed together again.”
Having spoken thus, she went into the house, and seating herself in a corner, cried there all night. Her husband lay alone, and finding next morning that she continued in the same humour, told her, she was very foolish to afflict herself in that manner; that the thing was not worth so much; that it concerned her very little to know while it was of the utmost consequence to him to keep the secret: “therefore,” continued he, “I conjure you to think no more of it.” “I shall still think so much of it,” replied she, “as never to forbear weeping till you have satisfied my curiosity.” “But I tell you very seriously,” answered he, “that it will cost me my life if I yield to your indiscreet solicitations.” “Let what will happen,” said she, “I do insist