The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.

The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.

When we had feasted on my calf, and the night was far advanced, the butchers took leave, departed to their homes, and I remained alone with the chief, who began to entertain me with amusing conversation.  Observing a rope hanging from the ceiling of an apartment, I, as if ignorant of its purpose, inquired the use of it; when the venerable chief of the butchers informed me it was for suspending animals to cut up; also, occasionally his dependants, whose crimes required the punishment of flogging.  Upon this I expressed a great desire to be tied with the rope, drawn up, and swung for amusement.  “My dear lady,” replied he, “the cord will hurt thy delicate skin; but thou shall put it round me, draw me up, and see the use without injuring thyself.”

I consented to the wish of the chief butcher, placed the cord under his arms, and drew him up till the ends of his toes scarcely touched the ground.  I then secured the rope, and for some moments kept running playfully round him, and tickling his sides, which made him laugh with delight.  At length, tired of his posture, he desired me to release him; but I refused, saying, “My dear chief, I have not yet finished my amusement;” after which I tore the clothes from his back, as if in merriment.  When I had done this, I pulled out my whip, which was well knotted, saying, “This is the tail of a she-goat, and not of a calf.”  The butcher now began to be somewhat alarmed, asking me who I was, and whence I came? to which I replied, “I am the owner of the fat calf, of which thou and thy villanous companions so rascally cheated me.”  I then bared my arm to my elbow, and so belaboured his back and sides with my whip that he roared in agony; nor did I leave off till his skin was completely flayed, and he fainted from the pain.  After this I searched the apartment, found a bag containing three hundred deenars, some handsome dresses, and other valuable articles, all of which I bundled up, and carried off; leaving the chief of the butchers, suspended, to his fate.  When I had reached home, I gave my prize to my mother, saying, “This is only part of the value of my calf, which I have just received of the purchaser.”

Early in the morning the butchers repaired, as usual, to the residence of their chief, and finding the door of the court-yard locked, joked one with another, saying, “Our old gentleman has been so fatigued with his happiness that he sleeps longer than ordinary.”  They waited till near noon, when they called out for admittance; but receiving no answer, became apprehensive of some disaster, and forcing the door, found their chief suspended, almost lifeless, and his scars dropping blood.  To their inquiries into the cause of his doleful situation, he replied, “That pretended vixen was no woman, but a brawny youth, the owner of the calf; who, in return for our roguery, has flogged me thus, and carried off all he could find in my chamber worth having.”  The butchers vowed revenge, saying, “We will seize and put him to death;” but their chief requested them for the present to be patient, and carry him to a warm bath, that he might wash and get his wounds dressed.

Project Gutenberg
The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.