The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.

The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.

The merchant’s daughter, on hearing this devout ejaculation, came to the door, saluted the old woman with great respect, and said, “Dear mother, pray for me:”  when she exclaimed, “May Allah protect thee, my beloved child, from all injury!” The young lady then introduced her into the house, seated her in the most honourable place, and with her mother sat down by her.  They conversed on religious subjects till noon, when the old woman called for water, performed her ablutions, and recited prayers of an unusual length:  upon which the mother and daughter remarked to one another that the aged matron must certainly be a most religious character.  When prayers were ended, they set a collation before her; but she declined partaking, saying, “I am to day observing a fast.”  This increased their respect and admiration of her sanctity, so that they requested her to remain with them till sunset, and break her fast with them, to which she consented.  At sunset she prayed again, after which she ate a little, and then uttered many pious exhortations.  In short, the mother and daughter were so pleased with her, that they invited her to stay all night.  In the morning, she rose early, made her ablutions, prayed for a considerable time, and concluded with a blessing upon her entertainers in learned words, which they could not understand.  When she rose up, they supported her by the arms respectfully, and entreated her longer stay; but she declined it, and having taken leave, departed; promising, however, with the permission of Allah, to make them soon another visit.

On the second day following, the old woman repaired again to the merchant’s house, and was joyfully received by the mother and daughter; who, kissing her hands and feet, welcomed her return.  She behaved the same as before, and inspired them with stronger veneration for her sandity.  Her visits now grew frequent, and she was always a welcome guest in the merchant’s family.  At length, one evening she entered, and said, “I have an only daughter, whose espousals are now celebrating, and this night the bride goes in state to her husband’s house.  My desire is that my good young lady should attend the ceremony, and receive the benefit of my prayers.”  The mother replied, “I am unwilling to let her go, lest some accident should befall her:”  upon which the pretended religious exclaimed, “What canst thou fear, while I and other devout women shall be with her?” The daughter expressing great eagerness to attend the nuptials, her mother at length consented.

When the merchant’s daughter had adorned herself in her richest habit, she accompanied the old woman; who, after leading her through several streets, conducted her to the lodging of the late fisherman, but now favourite to the sultan, who was eagerly expecting her arrival.  The young lady was astonished on her entrance at beholding a comely looking man; who, she saw, could hardly restrain his raptures at the sight of her.  Her first alarm was great at finding

Project Gutenberg
The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.