The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.

The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.

When I beheld my bride, she appeared to me, from the richness of her ornaments, like a concealed treasure from which the talisman had just been removed.  She sat down by me, and smiled so fascinatingly upon me, I could no longer contain my rapture.  In a short time she retired, but soon returned again in a dress richer than her last.  I again embraced her, and in short, my lord, we remained together for ten days in the height of happiness and enjoyment.  At the end of this period I recollected my mother, and said to my wife, “It is so long since I have been absent from home, and since my mother has not seen me, that I am certain she must be anxious concerning me.  Will you permit me to visit her and look after my warehouse?” “There can be no impediment,” replied she; “you may visit your mother daily, and employ yourself in your warehouse, but the old woman must conduct you and bring you back;” to which I assented.

The old lady then came in, tied a handkerchief over my eyes, conducted me to the spot where she had first blindfolded me, and said, “You will return here about the time of evening prayer, and will find me waiting.”  I left her, and repaired to my mother, whom I found in great affliction at my absence, and weeping bitterly.  Upon seeing me, she ran and embraced me with tears of joy.  I said, “Weep not, my dear mother, for my absence has been owing to the highest good fortune.”  I then informed her of my lucky adventure, when she exclaimed, “May Allah protect thee, my son, but visit me at least every two days, that my affection for thee may be gratified.”  I then went to my warehouse, and employed myself as usual till evening, when I returned to the place appointed, where I found the old lady, who blindfolded me as before, and conducted me to the palace of my wife, who received me with fondness.  For three months I continued to go and come in this manner, but I could not help wishing to know whom I had married, and wondering at the affluence, splendour, and attendance that appeared around her.

At length I found an opportunity of being in private with one of her black slaves, and questioned her concerning her mistress.  “My lord,” replied she, “the history of my mistress is wonderful; but I dare not relate it, lest she should put me to death.”  Upon this, I assured her, that if she would inform me, no one should know it but myself, and I took an oath of secrecy, when she began as follows: 

“My mistress one day went to a public bath, intending to amuse herself, for which purpose she made such preparations of delicacies and rarities, as were worth a camel’s load of treasure, and when she left the hummaum, made an excursion to a garden, where a splendid collation was laid out.  Here she continued enjoying herself till evening, when she ordered her retinue to make ready for departure, and the fragments of the entertainment to be distributed among the poor.  On her return, she passed through the street in which is your warehouse.  It was

Project Gutenberg
The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.