The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.

The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 317 pages of information about The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04.
afflictions in exile have been decreed to this youth in the search of his object!” Upon this Mazin exclaimed, “Wherefore, my lord, did you look at the book and then at me so earnestly?” The sage replied, “My son, I would instruct thee how to reach the islands, since such is thy desire, but thou canst not succeed in thy desires till after much labour and inconvenience.  However, at present relate to me thy adventures from first to last” Mazin rejoined, “My story, my lord, is such a surprising one, that were it engraven on tablets of adamant, it would be an example for such as would take warning.”

When he had related his story from beginning to end, the sage exclaimed, “God willing thou wilt attain thy wishes:”  upon which Mazin inquired concerning the sea surrounding the islands, and how he could overcome such an impediment to his progress; when the sage answered, “By God’s permission, in the morning we will repair to the mountains, and I will shew thee the wonders of the seas.”

When God permitted morning to dawn the hermit arose, took Mazin with him, and they ascended the mountains, till they reached a structure resembling a fortress, which they entered, and proceeded into the inmost court, in which was an immense colossal statue of brass, hollowed into pipes, having in the midst of it a reservoir lined with marble, the work of magicians.  When Mazin beheld this he was astonished, and began to tremble with fear at the vastness of the statue, and what miraculous power it might contain.  The hermit now kindled a fire, threw into it some perfumes, and muttered some unintelligible words, when suddenly dark clouds arose, from which burst out eddies of tempestuous wind, lightnings, claps of thunder, groans, and frightful noises, and in the midst of the reservoir appeared boiling waves, for it was near the ocean surrounding the islands.  The hermit did not cease to utter his incantations, until the hurricane and noises had subsided by his authority, for he was more powerful than any of the magicians, and had command over the rebellious genii.  He now said to Mazin, “Go out, and look towards the ocean surrounding the islands.”

Mazin repaired to the summit of the mountain, and looked towards the sea, but could not discover the smallest trace of its existence:  upon which he was astonished at the miraculous power of the hermit.  He returned to him, exclaiming, “I can behold no remains of the ocean, and the islands appear joined to the main land;” when the sage said, “My son, place thy reliance on God and pursue thy object,” after which he vanished from sight.

Mazin now proceeded into the islands, and did not stop till he had reached a verdant spot watered by clear rivulets, and shaded by lofty trees.  It was now sunrise, and among the wonders which he beheld was a tree like the weeping willow, on which hung, by way of fruit, beautiful damsels, who exclaimed, “Praised be God our creator, and former of the islands of Waak al Waak.”  They then dropped from the tree and expired.  At sight of this prodigy his senses were confounded, and he exclaimed, “By heavens, this is miraculously surprising!” When he had recovered himself, he roamed through the groves, and admired the contrivances of the Almighty till sunset, when he sat down to rest.

Project Gutenberg
The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.