Stories by Foreign Authors: Polish, Greek, Belgian, Hungarian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Stories by Foreign Authors.

Stories by Foreign Authors: Polish, Greek, Belgian, Hungarian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Stories by Foreign Authors.

From these they went to the inn of St. Nicholas, which belonged to the Hunchback.  Here, too, so as to appease them, the door was opened at once; but, when the soldiers reappeared amid a great uproar, they carried three children in their arms.  The marauders were surrounded by the Hunchback, his wife, and daughters, all, with clasped hands, imploring for mercy.

When the soldiers came to their white-bearded leader, they placed the children at the foot of an elm, where the little ones remained seated on the snow in their Sunday clothes.  But one of them, in a yellow frock, got up and toddled unsteadily towards the sheep.  A soldier followed, with bare sword; and the child died with his face in the grass, while the others were killed around the tree.

The peasants and the innkeeper’s daughters all fled screaming, and shut themselves up in their houses.  The cure, who was left alone in the orchard, threw himself on his knees, first before one horseman, then another, and with crossed arms, supplicated the Spaniards piteously, while the fathers and mothers seated on the snow beyond wept bitterly for the dead children whom they held upon their knees.

As the lancers passed along the street, they noticed a big blue farmstead.  When they had tried, in vain, to force open the oaken door studded with nails, they clambered atop of some tubs, which were frozen over near the threshold, and by this means gained the house through the upper windows.

There had been a kermesse in this farm.  At sound of the broken window-panes, the families who had assembled there to eat gaufres, custards, and hams, crowded together behind the table on which still stood some empty jugs and dishes.  The soldiers entered the kitchen, and after savage struggle in which many were wounded, they seized all the little boys and girls; then, with these, and the servant who had bitten a lancer’s thumb, they left the house and fastened the door behind them in such a way that the parents could not get out.

The villagers who had no children slowly left their houses, and followed the soldiers at a distance.  They saw them throw down their victims on the grass before the old man, and callously kill them with lance and sword.  During this, men and women leaned out of all the windows of the blue house, and out of the barn, blaspheming and flinging their hands to heaven, when they saw the red, pink, and white frocks of their motionless little ones on the grass between the trees.  The soldiers next hanged the farm servant at the sign of the Half Moon on the other side of the street, and there was a long silence in the village.

Project Gutenberg
Stories by Foreign Authors: Polish, Greek, Belgian, Hungarian from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.