which nothing seemed able to subdue. Most of
my informants were of the opinion that the stone was
probably unlucky,—like the famous stone
of the Sultan of Succadana, which in the old times
had brought wars and untold calamities upon that country.
Perhaps it was the same stone—one couldn’t
say. Indeed the story of a fabulously large emerald
is as old as the arrival of the first white men in
the Archipelago; and the belief in it is so persistent
that less than forty years ago there had been an official
Dutch inquiry into the truth of it. Such a jewel—it
was explained to me by the old fellow from whom I
heard most of this amazing Jim-myth—a sort
of scribe to the wretched little Rajah of the place;—such
a jewel, he said, cocking his poor purblind eyes up
at me (he was sitting on the cabin floor out of respect),
is best preserved by being concealed about the person
of a woman. Yet it is not every woman that would
do. She must be young—he sighed deeply—and
insensible to the seductions of love. He shook
his head sceptically. But such a woman seemed
to be actually in existence. He had been told
of a tall girl, whom the white man treated with great
respect and care, and who never went forth from the
house unattended. People said the white man could
be seen with her almost any day; they walked side
by side, openly, he holding her arm under his—pressed
to his side—thus—in a most extraordinary
way. This might be a lie, he conceded, for it
was indeed a strange thing for any one to do:
on the other hand, there could be no doubt she wore
the white man’s jewel concealed upon her bosom.’
’This was the theory of Jim’s marital
evening walks. I made a third on more than one
occasion, unpleasantly aware every time of Cornelius,
who nursed the aggrieved sense of his legal paternity,
slinking in the neighbourhood with that peculiar twist
of his mouth as if he were perpetually on the point
of gnashing his teeth. But do you notice how,
three hundred miles beyond the end of telegraph cables
and mail-boat lines, the haggard utilitarian lies
of our civilisation wither and die, to be replaced
by pure exercises of imagination, that have the futility,
often the charm, and sometimes the deep hidden truthfulness,
of works of art? Romance had singled Jim for
its own—and that was the true part of the
story, which otherwise was all wrong. He did not
hide his jewel. In fact, he was extremely proud
of it.
’It comes to me now that I had, on the whole,
seen very little of her. What I remember best
is the even, olive pallor of her complexion, and the
intense blue-black gleams of her hair, flowing abundantly
from under a small crimson cap she wore far back on
her shapely head. Her movements were free, assured,
and she blushed a dusky red. While Jim and I were
talking, she would come and go with rapid glances at
us, leaving on her passage an impression of grace
and charm and a distinct suggestion of watchfulness.