superiority. ‘Drink!’ repeated the
engineer with amiable scorn: he was hanging on
with both hands to the rail, a shadowy figure with
flexible legs. ’Not from you, captain.
You’re far too mean, b’gosh. You
would let a good man die sooner than give him a drop
of schnapps. That’s what you Germans call
economy. Penny wise, pound foolish.’
He became sentimental. The chief had given him
a four-finger nip about ten o’clock—’only
one, s’elp me!’—good old chief;
but as to getting the old fraud out of his bunk—a
five-ton crane couldn’t do it. Not it.
Not to-night anyhow. He was sleeping sweetly like
a little child, with a bottle of prime brandy under
his pillow. From the thick throat of the commander
of the Patna came a low rumble, on which the sound
of the word schwein fluttered high and low like a capricious
feather in a faint stir of air. He and the chief
engineer had been cronies for a good few years—serving
the same jovial, crafty, old Chinaman, with horn-rimmed
goggles and strings of red silk plaited into the venerable
grey hairs of his pigtail. The quay-side opinion
in the Patna’s home-port was that these two
in the way of brazen peculation ‘had done together
pretty well everything you can think of.’
Outwardly they were badly matched: one dull-eyed,
malevolent, and of soft fleshy curves; the other lean,
all hollows, with a head long and bony like the head
of an old horse, with sunken cheeks, with sunken temples,
with an indifferent glazed glance of sunken eyes.
He had been stranded out East somewhere—in
Canton, in Shanghai, or perhaps in Yokohama; he probably
did not care to remember himself the exact locality,
nor yet the cause of his shipwreck. He had been,
in mercy to his youth, kicked quietly out of his ship
twenty years ago or more, and it might have been so
much worse for him that the memory of the episode
had in it hardly a trace of misfortune. Then,
steam navigation expanding in these seas and men of
his craft being scarce at first, he had ‘got
on’ after a sort. He was eager to let strangers
know in a dismal mumble that he was ’an old
stager out here.’ When he moved, a skeleton
seemed to sway loose in his clothes; his walk was
mere wandering, and he was given to wander thus around
the engine-room skylight, smoking, without relish,
doctored tobacco in a brass bowl at the end of a cherrywood
stem four feet long, with the imbecile gravity of
a thinker evolving a system of philosophy from the
hazy glimpse of a truth. He was usually anything
but free with his private store of liquor; but on
that night he had departed from his principles, so
that his second, a weak-headed child of Wapping, what
with the unexpectedness of the treat and the strength
of the stuff, had become very happy, cheeky, and talkative.
The fury of the New South Wales German was extreme;
he puffed like an exhaust-pipe, and Jim, faintly amused
by the scene, was impatient for the time when he could
get below: the last ten minutes of the watch were
irritating like a gun that hangs fire; those men did