What Every Woman Knows eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 109 pages of information about What Every Woman Knows.

What Every Woman Knows eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 109 pages of information about What Every Woman Knows.

Maggie.  That’s the Scotch way.  When were you thinking of leaving me,

[Perhaps this is the Scotch way also; but Sybil is English, and from the manner in which she starts you would say that something has fallen on her toes.]

John [who has heard nothing fall].  I think, now that it has come to a breach, the sooner the better. [His tone becomes that of James when asked after the health of his wife.] When it is convenient to you, Maggie.

Maggie [making a rapid calculation].  It couldn’t well be before Wednesday.  That’s the day the laundry comes home.

[Sybil has to draw in her toes again.]

John.  And it’s the day the House rises. [Stifling a groan] It may be my last appearance in the House.

Sybil [her arms yearning for him].  No, no, please don’t say that.

Maggie [surveying him sympathetically].  You love the House, don’t you, John, next to her?  It’s a pity you can’t wait till after your speech at Leeds.  Mr. Venables won’t let you speak at Leeds, I fear, if you leave me.

John.  What a chance it would have been.  But let it go.

Maggie.  The meeting is in less than a month.  Could you not make it such a speech that they would be very loth to lose you?

John [swelling].  That’s what was in my mind.

Sybil [with noble confidence].  And he could have done it.

Maggie.  Then we’ve come to something practical.

John [exercising his imagination with powerful effect].  No, it wouldn’t be fair to you if I was to stay on now.

Maggie.  Do you think I’ll let myself be considered when your career is at stake.  A month will soon pass for me; I’ll have a lot of packing to do.

John.  It’s noble of you, but I don’t deserve it, and I can’t take it from you.

Maggie.  Now’s the time, Lady Sybil, for you to have one of your inspiring ideas.

Sybil [ever ready].  Yes, yes—­but what?

[It is odd that they should both turn to Maggie at this moment.]

Maggie [who has already been saying it to herself].  What do you think of this:  I can stay on here with my father and brothers; and you, John, can go away somewhere and devote yourself to your speech?

Sybil.  Yes.

John.  That might be. [Considerately] Away from both of you.  Where could I go?

Sybil [ever ready].  Where?

Maggie.  I know.

[She has called up a number on the telephone before they have time to check her.]

John [on his dignity].  Don’t be in such a hurry, Maggie.

Maggie.  Is this Lamb’s Hotel?  Put me on to the Comtesse de la Briere, please.

Sybil [with a sinking].  What do you want with Auntie?

Project Gutenberg
What Every Woman Knows from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.