The Mystery of Edwin Drood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Mystery of Edwin Drood.
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The Mystery of Edwin Drood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

Sounds of recognition and greeting pass between the Reverend Septimus and somebody else, at the stair-foot.  Mr. Jasper listens, starts from his chair, and catches a young fellow in his arms, exclaiming: 

‘My dear Edwin!’

‘My dear Jack!  So glad to see you!’

’Get off your greatcoat, bright boy, and sit down here in your own corner.  Your feet are not wet?  Pull your boots off.  Do pull your boots off.’

’My dear Jack, I am as dry as a bone.  Don’t moddley-coddley, there’s a good fellow.  I like anything better than being moddley-coddleyed.’

With the check upon him of being unsympathetically restrained in a genial outburst of enthusiasm, Mr. Jasper stands still, and looks on intently at the young fellow, divesting himself of his outward coat, hat, gloves, and so forth.  Once for all, a look of intentness and intensity—­a look of hungry, exacting, watchful, and yet devoted affection—­is always, now and ever afterwards, on the Jasper face whenever the Jasper face is addressed in this direction.  And whenever it is so addressed, it is never, on this occasion or on any other, dividedly addressed; it is always concentrated.

’Now I am right, and now I’ll take my corner, Jack.  Any dinner, Jack?’

Mr. Jasper opens a door at the upper end of the room, and discloses a small inner room pleasantly lighted and prepared, wherein a comely dame is in the act of setting dishes on table.

‘What a jolly old Jack it is!’ cries the young fellow, with a clap of his hands.  ‘Look here, Jack; tell me; whose birthday is it?’

‘Not yours, I know,’ Mr. Jasper answers, pausing to consider.

‘Not mine, you know?  No; not mine, I know!  Pussy’s!’

Fixed as the look the young fellow meets, is, there is yet in it some strange power of suddenly including the sketch over the chimneypiece.

’Pussy’s, Jack!  We must drink Many happy returns to her.  Come, uncle; take your dutiful and sharp-set nephew in to dinner.’

As the boy (for he is little more) lays a hand on Jasper’s shoulder, Jasper cordially and gaily lays a hand on his shoulder, and so Marseillaise-wise they go in to dinner.

‘And, Lord! here’s Mrs. Tope!’ cries the boy.  ’Lovelier than ever!’

‘Never you mind me, Master Edwin,’ retorts the Verger’s wife; ’I can take care of myself.’

’You can’t.  You’re much too handsome.  Give me a kiss because it’s Pussy’s birthday.’

‘I’d Pussy you, young man, if I was Pussy, as you call her,’ Mrs. Tope blushingly retorts, after being saluted.  ’Your uncle’s too much wrapt up in you, that’s where it is.  He makes so much of you, that it’s my opinion you think you’ve only to call your Pussys by the dozen, to make ’em come.’

‘You forget, Mrs. Tope,’ Mr. Jasper interposes, taking his place at the table with a genial smile, ’and so do you, Ned, that Uncle and Nephew are words prohibited here by common consent and express agreement.  For what we are going to receive His holy name be praised!’

Project Gutenberg
The Mystery of Edwin Drood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.