Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 544 pages of information about Literary and Philosophical Essays.

Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 544 pages of information about Literary and Philosophical Essays.
of an eagle flying in the air? and another choaked with the kernell of a grape?  And an Emperour die by the scratch of a combe, whilest he was combing his head?  And Aemylius Lepidus with hitting his foot against a doore-seele?  And Aufidius with stumbling against the Consull-chamber doore as he was going in thereat?  And Cornelius Gallus, the Praetor, Tigillinus, Captaine of the Romane watch, Lodowike, sonne of Guido Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, end their daies betweene womens thighs?  And of a farre worse example Speusippus, the Platonian philosopher, and one of our Popes?  Poore Bebius a Judge, whilest he demurreth the sute of a plaintife but for eight daies, be hold, his last expired:  And Caius Iulius a Physitian, whilest he was annointing the eies of one of his patients, to have his owne sight closed for ever by death.  And if amongst these examples, I may adde one of a brother of mine, called Captain Saint Martin, a man of three and twentie yeares of age, who had alreadie given good testimonie of his worth and forward valour, playing at tennis, received a blow with a ball, that hit him a little above the right eare, without apparance of any contusion, bruse, or hurt, and never sitting or resting upon it, died within six houres after of an apoplexie, which the blow of the ball caused in him.  These so frequent and ordinary examples, hapning, and being still before our eies, how is it possible for man to forgo or for get the remembrance of death? and why should it not continually seeme unto us, that shee is still ready at hand to take us by the throat?  What matter is it, will you say unto me, how and in what manner it is, so long as a man doe not trouble and vex himselfe therewith?  I am of this opinion, that howsoever a man may shrowd or hide himselfe from her dart, yea, were it under an oxe-hide, I am not the man would shrinke backe:  it sufficeth me to live at my ease; and the best recreation I can have, that doe I ever take; in other matters, as little vain glorious, and exemplare as you list.

   —­praetulerim delirus inersque videri,
     Dum mea delectent mala me, vel denique fallant,
     Quam sapere et ringi
     [Footnote:  Hor. 1. ii.  Episi. ii 126]

     A dotard I had rather seeme, and dull,
     Sooner my faults may please make me a gull,
     Than to be wise, and beat my vexed scull.

But it is folly to thinke that way to come unto it.  They come, they goe, they trot, they daunce:  but no speech of death.  All that is good sport.  But if she be once come, and on a sudden and openly surprise, either them, their wives, their children, or their friends, what torments, what out cries, what rage, and what despaire doth then overwhelme them? saw you ever anything so drooping, so changed, and so distracted?  A man must looke to it, and in better times fore-see it.  And might that brutish carelessenesse lodge in the minde of a man of understanding (which I find altogether impossible) she sels us her ware at an overdeere rate:  were she an enemie by mans wit to be avoided, I would advise men to borrow the weapons of cowardlinesse:  but since it may not be, and that be you either a coward or a runaway, an honest or valiant man, she overtakes you,

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Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.