Heu senibus vita portio
quanta manet
[Footnote: Com.
Gal. 1. i. 16.]
Alas to men in yeares
how small
A part of life is left
in all?
Caesar, to a tired and crazed [Footnote: diseased] Souldier of his guard, who in the open street came to him, to beg leave he might cause himselfe to be put to death; viewing his decrepit behaviour, answered pleasantly: “Doest thou thinke to be alive then?” Were man all at once to fall into it, I doe not thinke we should be able to beare such a change, but being faire and gently led on by her hand, in a slow, and as it were unperceived descent, by little and little, and step by step, she roules us into that miserable state, and day by day seekes to acquaint us with it. So that when youth failes in us, we feele, nay we perceive no shaking or transchange at all in our selves: which in essence and veritie is a harder death, than that of a languishing and irkesome life, or that of age. Forsomuch as the leape from an ill being unto a not being, is not so dangerous or steepie; as it is from a delightfull and flourishing being unto a painfull and sorrowfull condition. A weake bending, and faint stopping bodie hath lesse strength to beare and under goe a heavie burden: So hath our soule. She must bee rouzed and raised against the violence and force of this adversarie. For as it is impossible she should take any rest whilest she feareth: whereof if she be assured (which is a thing exceeding humane [Footnote: human] condition) she may boast that it is impossible unquietnesse, torment, and feare, much lesse the least displeasure should lodge in her.
Non vultus instantis tyranni Mente quatit solida, neque Auster, Dux inquieti turbidus Adria, Nec fulminantis magna Jovis manus. [Footnote: Hor. I. iii. Od. iii.]
No urging tyrants threatning
Where minde is found
can it displace,
No troublous wind the
rough seas Master,
Nor Joves great hand,
the thunder-caster.
She is made Mistris of her passions and concupiscence, Lady of indulgence, of shame, of povertie, and of all for tunes injuries. Let him that can, attaine to this advantage: Herein consists the true and soveraigne liberty, that affords us meanes wherewith to jeast and make a scorne of force and injustice, and to deride imprisonment, gives [Footnote: Gyves, shackles] or fetters.
manicis, et
Compedibus, savo te
sub custode tenebo.
Ipse Deus simui atque
volam, me solvet: opinor
Hoc sentit, moriar.
Mors ultima linea rerum est.
[Footnote: Hor.
I. i. Ep. xvi. 76.]
In gyves and fetters
I will hamper thee,
Under a Jayler that
shall cruell be:
Yet, when I will, God
me deliver shall,
He thinkes, I shall
die: death is end of all.