William. There’s young beans and peas and a spring cabbage too, within the basket. I do grow a little of most everything.
Laura. O shall we sit down and look at the vegetables together?
William. [Visibly relieved.] We might do worse nor that. [They sit down side by side with the basket between them.
Laura. [Lifting the cabbage.] O, this is quite a little picture! See how the leaves do curl backwards—so fresh and green!
William. Ah, and that one has a rare white heart to it, it has.
Laura. I do love the taste of a spring cabbage, when it has a slice of fat bacon along with it.
William. I might have brought a couple of pounds with me if I’d have thought. Mother do keep some rare mellow jowls a-hanging in the pantry.
Laura. [Shyly.] Next time, maybe.
William. [Eagerly.] ’Twouldn’t take ten minutes for me to run back.
Laura. Not now—O no master—not now. Do you bide a little longer here and tell me about—about t’other things in the basket.
William. [Mopping his face with a handkerchief.] Well—there’s the beans—I count that yours haven’t come up very smart this year.
Laura. That they’ve not. The whole place has been let to run dreadful wild.
William. I’d—I’d like to show you how ’tis in my garden, one of these days.
Laura. I’d be very pleased to walk along with you there.
William. [Hurriedly.] Ah—you should see it later on when the—the--the parsnips are a bit forrarder.
Laura. I’d like to see the flower garden now, where this nosegay came from.
William. [Looking round uneasily.] I don’t know what the folks would say if they were to see you and me a-going on the road in broad day—I’m sure I don’t.
Laura. Why, what should they say, Master Gardner?
William. They might get saying—they might say as—as I’d got a-courting, or sommat foolish.
Laura. Well—and would that be untrue?
William. [Looking at her very uncomfortably.] I’m blessed if I do know—I mean —
Laura. This nosegay—and look, those young carrots—and the turnips and beans, why did you bring them for me, master, unless it was that you intended something by it?
William. [Very confused.] That’s so. So ’tis. That’s true. I count you have got hold of the sow by the ear right enough this time. And the less said about it the better. [A slight silence.
Laura. [Looking up shyly in WILLIAM’s face.] What was it drew you to me first, master?
William. I believe ’twas in Church on Sunday that I chanced to take notice of you, like.
Laura. Yes, but what was it about me that took your fancy in Church on Sunday?