Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Jessie. [Stroking the silk.] O Mother, the feel of it be softer nor a dove’s feather.

Robin. [Feeling it too.] ‘Tis better nor the new kittens’ fur.

Emily.  Let us see if your aunt have done more handsomely towards you children.

Clara.  I am afraid not.  These coral beads are for Miss Jessie, with her aunt’s dear love.  And this book of pictures is for Master Robin.

Jessie. [Seizing the beads with delight.] I love a string of beads. [Putting them on.] How do they look on me?

Emily.  Off with them this moment.  I’ll learn her to give strings of rubbish to my child.

Jessie. [Beginning to cry.] O do let me wear it just a little while, just till dinner, Mother.

Emily.  Have done with that noise.  Off with it at once, do you hear.

Jessie. [Taking the necklace off.] I love the feel of it—­might I keep it in my hand then?

Emily. [Seizing it.] ’Twill be put by with the silk dress.  So there.  ’Tis not a suitable thing for a little girl like you.

Robin. [Looking up from the pages of his book.] No one shan’t take my book from me.  There be pictures of great horses and sheep and cows in it—­and no one shan’t hide it from me.

Emily. [Putting the silk dress and necklace on another table.] Next time your aunt wants to throw her money into the gutter I hope as she’ll ask me to come and see her a-doing of it.

Jessie. [Coming up to Clara very tearfully.] And was there naught for Dad in the great box?

Clara.  Perhaps there may be.

Robin.  And did Aunt Clara bring naught for Georgie?

Clara.  I don’t know.

Jessie.  Poor Georgie.  He never has nothing gived him.

Robin.  And Mother puts the worst of the bits on his plate at dinner.

Emily. [Sharply.] Look you here, young woman.  Suppose you was to take and do something useful with that idle pair of hands as you’ve got.

Clara.  Yes, mistress, I should like to help you in something.

Emily.  Us knows what fine promises lead to.

Clara.  But I mean it.  Do let me help a little.

Emily.  See them taters?

Clara.  Yes.

Emily.  Take and peel and wash them and get them ready against when I wants to cook them.

Clara. [A little doubtfully.] Yes—­I’ll—­I’ll try —

Emily.  Ah, ’tis just as I thought.  You’re one of them who would stir the fire with a silver spoon rather nor black their hands with the poker.

Clara. [Eagerly.] No, no—­it isn’t that.  I’ll gladly do them. 
Come, Miss Jessie, you will shew me if I do them wrongly, won’t you?

Jessie.  O yes, I’ll help you because I like you, Joan.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.