Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Six Plays eBook

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Six Plays.

Daniel.  That’s it, my little maid.  Run along—­and look you, May, just you tell Cousin Millie as we wants her in here straight away.  And who knows bye and bye whether there won’t be sommat in yon great parcel for a good little wench.

May.  O Uncle—­I’d like to see it now.

Daniel.  Nay, nay—­this is not a suitable time—­Aunt and me has business what’s got to be settled like.  Nay—­’tis later on as the packets is to be opened.

Elizabeth.  Get along off, you tiresome child.—­One word might do for some, but it takes twenty to get you to move.—­Run along now, do you hear me?

[May goes.

Well, Father, I’ve done my share with Millie and she don’t take a bit of notice of what I say.  So now it’s your turn.

Daniel.  Ah, I count ’tis more man’s work, this here, so ’tis.  There be things which belongs to females and there be others which do not.  You get and leave it all to me.  I’ll bring it off.

Elizabeth.  All right, Father, just you try your way—­I’ll have nothing more to do with it. [Millie comes in.]

Millie.  Why, Father, you’re back early from the Fair.

Daniel.  That’s so, my wench.  See that package over yonder?

Millie.  O, that I do, Father.

Daniel.  Yon great one’s for you, Mill.

Millie.  O Father, what’s inside it?

Daniel.  ’Tis a new, smart bonnet, my wench.

Millie.  For me, Father?

Daniel.  Ah—­who else should it be for, Mill?

Millie.  O Father, you are good to me.

Daniel.  And a silk cloak as well.

Millie.  A silken cloak, and a bonnet—­O Father, ’tis too much for you to give me all at once, like.

Daniel.  Young Andrew did help me with the choice, and ’tis all to be worn on this day month, my girl.

Millie.  Why, Father, what’s to happen then?

Daniel.  ’Tis for you to go along to church in, Mill.

Millie.  To church, Father?

Daniel.  Ah, that ’tis—­you in the cloak and bonnet, and upon the arm of young Andrew, my wench.

Millie.  O no, Father.

Daniel.  But ’tis “yes” as you have got to learn, my wench.  And quickly too.  For ’tis this very evening as Andrew be coming for his answer.  And ’tis to be “yes” this time.

Millie.  O no, Father.

Daniel.  You’ve an hour before you, my wench, in which to get another word to your tongue.

Millie.  I can’t learn any word that isn’t “no,” Father.

Daniel.  Look at me, my wench.  My foot be down.  I means what I says—­

Millie.  And I mean what I say, too, Father.  And I say, No!

Daniel.  Millie, I’ve set down my foot.

Project Gutenberg
Six Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.